SB Labs

Getting back after it

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Week 2
Up 5lbs from 240 to 245.
Just got finished doing my meal prep for the week. Grilling chicken breast and hard boiling eggs. Super boring but always makes me happy. Would e done it yesterday but the stupid hurricane kept me from my beloved grill.
I’ve been doing an odd mix of exercises but it works with my body type and more importantly my schedule.
Mon- pull
Tuesday- box and row
Wednesday- push
Thursday- box and row
Friday- Legs
Weekend off but still active hiking and surfing.
Yup the punching kind. I have a mid-spring cobra bag that I use all the time. Less jarring on the shoulders than a heavy bag but more solid and engaging than a speed bag. All the boxing gyms near me are no-contact so I figure why bother? I won’t pay for someone to drill me on bag and mits.
I gotta heavy bag and some very thick dense gloves. I don’t pound it too hard for the same reason. Wrists elbows shoulders
You should look into a cobra bag. There’s a couple different ones available on Amazon. Not a big investment, around hundred bucks. Makes the workout more fun and more active since you have to incorporate defense into the routine or that bag will pop you.
I started the tren/mast/cup blend about 3 weeks ago and it’s going great. I haven’t been at the gym as much as I would like to get maximum results but I’ve definitely leaned out a little and gotten more definition. I stopped the sust after 5 weeks(when the bottle ran out) because the Pip was particularly bad. So now I’m running about 400 test e a week with the blend which is 100/tren e, 100/mast e, 100/test c-per week. I started the blend at half strength for the first two weeks just to make sure that I didn’t have any negative reactions/sides since I’ve never used mast or tren before and now I’m running the full 100/100/100-per week. Im actually surprised how I like it. Made me a little aggressive the first week but once I was able to identify it and address it I’ve been smooth sailing since. Weight is still the same at 240lb but I’m a little leaner and a lot stronger. The only down side I’ve noticed is a little bit of a drag in my energy levels but I just push through that.
Interesting. Sounds like you’ve broke the code.

Please don’t be a stranger. Post up here as best you can.
Yeah I knew I was neglecting this log. I’ve been sidetracked. It’s happens. But I feel like you just gave me the kickstart I needed to get back on track. Thanks bro.
I surf NYC. Diehard New York surfer. I know most guys need to avoid what towns they are in and so on but I’m in a city of millions so I don’t think anyone is ever going to pick me out of this mass of bodies.
I’m down the coast from you eastern nc.

No real big storms this year so surfing was so so. I don’t surf anymore but i have friends that do.
I have a lot of friends/family down in SC. I’m chomping at the bit to get down to Myrtle and hit that warm water. I know guys who surfed into their 70’s. My uncles on of them.
The only reason I don’t is I’m so gosh darn lazy!

Load board…Get in the truck… drive 10 minutes or so… park…walk to water…surf….repeat in reverse order to get home… I’m exhausted just thinking about it! Hahaha
It is a task. But I love being in the ocean. Just kinda bobbing like a cork watching the sets roll in. I haven’t had as much time since the baby was born but I still go when I can. I’m really looking forward to my daughter getting to an age when I can take her with me.
235lb this morning which is great. Tren/mast blend working perfectly. Putting on muscle and burning fat. Shoulders are starting to come in. Shooting for big traps by cycles end.
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