Going to give NPP a try

The synergistic effect is true but with like the cut mix long or short. That stack just has an amazing synergy around it.
The synergy can come from the Anabolic/ androgenic balance usually.
I don’t need to find anything I actually know how gear works.
primo_build said:
Always try and keep your esters consistent. It’d be like running tren ace with test e…Just wouldn’t make sense.
You pretty much said it right here lol. Anyone that knows anything about gear should know that npp works very well with any test and trenA runs very well with test enth and sust. I run it with sust during prep. I think my body speaks for itself in that I know my shit.

@TG do you think I know my shit and look the part lol
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You’re very arrogant. Typical keyboard warrior shit.
Lmao. And calling for your bro barbies for support? What are you 12? I thought better of this board. I can’t believe you have a staff badge.
Hahahaha arrogant no son just know what I’m talking about. You came on here talking nonsense about gear that you have no clue about. I’m sick of seeing people give stupid advice on gear.

I don’t need anyone to back me my track record speaks for itself.
NPP is fine with any test ester. Tren A is fine with any test ester.

@primo_build let’s see what your primo knowledge has done for you? This site is uncensored and we do call out bullshit. Lets see a pic of what your knowledge has produced. Frankly you don’t seem to know shit about cycles in my opinion.
Lol sorry you don’t like being called out. Next time say something more intelligent. Anyone on here knows I will call bullshit when I see it. And I’m
Respected for that.
Post the pics. You don’t need to post a face. Just put a piece of paper with “primo build” next to you.
Let’s see your pics and don’t copy shit off the internet because I’ll know I’ve already caught one fake person doing that here. So
Let’s see it @primo_build I’ll even post my offseason pic for you lol
I’m a fighter. In real life. Not just on the internet. You beat up weights. It shows. You’re BIG. Congrats. Feat well accomplished. I’ll still beat the dog shit out of you in a ring.
Alright bro. I see you felt disrespected but you’re not going threaten staff members. I’d stop now. Thats your only warning
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Originally when we started UGM we called out people’s shit on boards because they would be keyboard warriors and never backed up what they said other then trying to share links. Our method was username in photo with date. At least some respect was given with that. We wanted to be different then other boards who protected keyboard warriors that knew it all.