Good news for those like me who fart a lot

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Rep Platinum Pharmaceuticals
Let’s face it, bodybuilders fart a lot. The way we eat every couple hours, the high protein, the high carbs, the broccoli, etc. Here are some exciting facts I found on farting those rancid, putrid farts that our girlfriends and wives love so much! 😀
  • i’M GOING TO LIVE FOREVER: Recent research in animals suggests that hydrogen sulfide — one of the major components of smelly gas, the one that gives it that “rotten egg” smell — might provide some health benefits in humans, from preventing heart disease to kidney failure.
    Turns out farting after a meal is an expression of thanks and appreciation to the Inuit people of Canada. An Indian tribe in South America called the Yanomami fart as a greeting, and in China you can actually get a job as a professional fart-smeller!
  • WOMEN vs. MEN:
    Dr Ginni revealed all healthy adults pass around two litres of bowel gas per day, which works out to about 10-20 farts a day. There is no difference between men and women.
    One study from [Minneapolis] showed women’s flatulence odour is significantly worse compared to men.
I could go on all day with fart facts but I have an online seminar for work that’s about to start.

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I posted in flash catrtgory and said, ha ha in reference to there boner sale,mmaybe I’m wrong but you definitely pm’d me about it
I thought that someone flagged there promo I understand now you can post in promo and contest categories. Just not the green categories.

I still want to make it so as long as you aren’t promoting your sponsor then you can post anywhere but its hard because your tag says but im working on something brother
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  • Farts have been clocked at a speed of 10 feet per second. A person produces about half a liter of farts a day. Women fart as much as men. The gas that makes your farts stink is hydrogen sulfide.
Last night I was googling to see why I have so much gas. I’m on a no fat diet, mostly turkey breast, egg whites, rice, bread, veggies. That’s when google gave me all these crazy fart facts. It shocked me to see women fart as much as men because I swear my girlfriends I lived with never farted. I guess they were sneakier with theirs. Haha 😆
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