SB Labs

Great Article On Recomp

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I have to disagree with some of this. I think some new lifters need to choose cut or bulk. It’s an easier concept to grasp and achieve. I remember when those were the options pushed in magazines. No internet back then lol. When I trained people it was the same way. Different concepts. But easier for people to grasp.
We did our cycles to do one or other at the time. So we wanted to gain muscle it was accepted you’ll gain fat with it. The client could gain more and see more progress to keep motivated as everything goes up. Then when we stripped the fat they say the rewards of it.
I think having clear cut goals is what most folks need. Ppl plan a cycle for the fucks a giggles of that cycle without taking the time to determine what their goal is, and THEN planning their PEDs to match the goal.

And not this I wanna be huge, but have abs bullshit.

I wanted to hit 225. Then 250. So I ate and I trained for that. I think the recomp idea just leads to many people astray. And I say that as someone who has an absolutely excellent genetic base, I always felt like I got more out of AAS when they matched my goals.
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