Great Communication Omni labs, omni labs has great customer service, omni labs they set the standard


Gearchurch sponsored athlete
Placed an order with @Omni . I have to give these guys their credit absolutely A+ communication and were very helpful in the ordering process and extremely fast in answering all my questions. Once the package lands I’ll be posting a cycle log with pics of myself before, during and after. CAN’T WAIT! SUPER STOKED! THANKS @Omni also thank you @Bigmurph for all your help brother!
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Couldn’t agree more, I’m currently running @Omni test prop and tren ace. The process was smooth and quick, beyond that the oils are smooth, potent, and pretty much pip free. I’m definitely enjoying them and I’m sure you’ll enjoy your order as well.
See this is a perfect example of what im going to change today. I want every src to have there own category so that way members can post this and other members don’t have to go through 10000 of posts to find reviews and gear pics.
You did nothing wrong were still growing and learning the best way we can do things for members and srcs.