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SB Labs

Growth Hormone: Great Expectations

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Shit that was a long read but completely worth it because I completely agree with just about everything there saying I myself don’t believe that hgh is Anabolic.
The only study that confuses me about the question if gh is Anabolic is the fact that you can get gyno from gh through progesterone.
This is very rare but if it can raise your progestin then it is Anabolic smh.
I don’t believe that its actually Anabolic ive never felt like I was adding muscle with gh but I have always talked about it helping with old tendon issues. I believe that it definitely heals soft tissue.

Great post brother @n3rd
It’s interesting because initially when started gh, I had assumed it would help me ‘grow’ muscle…
The actual name is GROWTH hormone for crying out loud, crazy to think it doesn’t actually help with growth.

I can attest for fat loss, it really does give me an ability to stay leaner, which definitely is worth the costs for me.
Even I went into using gh believing in muscle growth after much research but I didn’t understand that when it says it helps cells multiple and grow well you can’t target that growth just towards the muscle. I have shin growth, this is the only thing I know for sure happened but I believe that I have some joint and organ growth which is horrible.

Hgh is not all roses it definitely has thorns just like all compounds
I agree it has a price for me it’s like super carpel tunnel. Seems like my hands stay swollen but I’m sure that it has to do with me being a mechanic I have seen muscle growth when added to anabolics one places I could never get to grow well on my own with anabolics by itself damn feet got bigger too but not one cm in my wiener
How much are you doing?

From personal experience, i’ve found no difference in maintaining fat loss with 4iu vs 2iu…
What I have noticed is my hands feel a lot better!
I’m at about 195lbs and ~13-15% bf and haven’t changed any since I dropped down to 2iu.
I did get a hell of a lot leaner when running other substances along with gh though, but I also bump it up to 6iu.
Just got some 191aa. Think quandratropin. Heard it’s really good. I remember you telling me there would be tears for those who are serious. Man I am starting to understand. For last month been working through one injury after another. At gym now trying to work through them. Shoulder won’t allow for heavy weights in upper body and stupid disc and nerve down left leg won’t allow for heavy weight on lower body. But I am here everyday stretching and using lots of light weight trying to get blood flow in those areas that need healing. Can be painful at times but the worst is knowing all those gains I made are being lost while I am trying to be smart about fixing this shit!!! Hoping the time am spending at the gym will minimize any loss of gains. @Bigmurph
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