SB Labs

GW501516 does it work?


Well-known member
Had anyone used this. The gyms are closed here in the UK. Maybe I’ll work on my conditioning and go for runs outside. Plus I need to get outside.

I’ve lived in a few countries during these times. I’ve spent about 8 months in some sort of lockdown; quarantine, and self isolation. My gains are pretty much gone lately. Can’t wait to get the gym again.
I have used it definetly increases your ability to do more cardio. Not necessarily lose much fat just from the cardarine but from the increased ability to do work. I dont use it anymore though.
Yes… I have used it in my protocols to reduce body fat via the increasing i gained from the cardio effects. I currently have that on hand, along with stenabolic and ostarine for my spring bf cut, with test prop of course lol. If you have real GW you will know… no jittering feelings, but those normal plateaus you hit when doing cardio simply disappear… kind of freaky.
Also helps with lipids I believe when mixed with clen last year I felt like I could just keep going like I never took a larger breath doing cArdio
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Get those push-ups and calisthenics and man just cuz the gym clothes you shouldn’t stop get yourself a kettlebell I’m proof positive that you can make that happen man do it don’t think about it brother