Gyno question fellas

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Can cortisone shots cause it?? I got shots in each elbow a month or so ago and my nipples were tender for a day or two and didn’t think anything of it. Then got a shot in each shoulder and last night I felt small lumps behind my nipples. There small. I’ve never had estrogen problems before I’m cycle and I’m on a trt dose of 200mg a week. And my cycles have only been test at 500mg. And never had a problem before
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I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure they use them post op to reduce scar tissue but I could be completely off base with that. Didn’t look it up.
Hmm yeah I was looking online and some sites said yes but I wasn’t to sure. And I’ve never had issues before. I got arimidex and aromison on hand but they just prevent it from my understanding correct?
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Correct. There was a drug on the market Raloxifene that was used to reverse it. If it’s new I’d say take some nolva which prevents estro from binding to breast tissue I believe. Get your estrogen, prolactin, and preogesterone checked
Yeah you can’t tell by looking. And there pretty small ones the size of maybe a marble. And I got arimidex and aromasin on hand. I thought Nolva was for pct so I never got any because I’m on trt. I was reading that letrozole can reverse it as well but it’s harsh and you need nolva when you taper off so your estrogen doesn’t spike back up. But in all honestly I’m prob just going to go to the doctors cause I’m not on cycle and have nothing to worry about plus he gave me the shots to begin with lol and it’ll be a free blood test
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