Happy Fathers Day

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We are very privileged to have those experiences and memories. Just like Lester says at the end of American Beauty:

“and then I feel nothing but gratitude for every single minute of my stupid little life.”
Someone sent me this yesterday and I thought it was a pretty damn good read

  • who paid for a dinner that no one was
    greatful for.
  • who didn’t know if they’d make it to pay day.
  • who are trying their best to be a good man,
    in a society that devalues men.
  • who lost their patience multiple times a day
    because they see their life passing with their
    dreams still in their chest.
  • who never hear, “I’m proud of you.” because
    those are important words to a man.
  • who work long hours, and leave all the days
    frustrations at the door to be there for his
    kids, cause that’s what dads do.
  • who love so much even when they feel
    they’re failing.
    -who shoulder the weight of the world for
    their family.
    You are doing a great job. I’m proud of you!
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