Harm Reduction month sponsored by Roidtest.com has continued into December


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Another great tradition at ugmuscle is our push for Harm Reduction. We do this every year in November but since its popular we have made it our end of the year contest until December.
Our great partnership with @ROIDTEST to help push Harm Reduction is very important to keep everything and everyone honest. We can test our sponsors or srcs from other forums. Don’t let anyone tell you that these tests don’t work. The people that say that are usually the ones cheating somehow or counterfeiting so if you have grown to trust me I appreciate it and I have verified roidtest as a sponsor 6yrs ago and haven’t had any issues.

Please visit Roidtest.com and always ugmuscle members receive a 20% discount using
code UGMUSCLE at checkout.

They have products to test almost every compound to verify its real and the correct compound that you want to use including now they have blood work tests that will check testosterone, E2 progesterone and so on these guys have the best stuff in my opinion.

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Id buy a test kit myself but i don’t have an extra 130 to shell out on it this month. I’ll probably buy myself one for Christmas, sorry it’ll be late for harm reduction month.
When you put 15g up your nose money gets tight haha but I’m slowly getting finances back this 60 hour work week is helping. Hope to qualify for some
Unemployment during plant shut
Down to not fall behind again
Primo is one of the hardest to test so please if you have any questions hit me up here and I will be happy to help brother I have tested around 6 different labs and probably 15 tests for primo the hard part is that you have to watch from the very beginning watch the time and color changes.
Plus you have to allow the light to pass through the thickness of the reaction to see the color. You do this by just turning the amp sideways and allowing the light to come through really helps see the real color of the reaction.

Thanks for testing brother
@Bigmurph, can you explain the turn the amp sideways? I didn’t realize testing primo was any different than any of the others I have tested. I have tested several but never primo. I’m guessing it comes with instructions so maybe I can follow them. Lol.
These are little tricks ive learned over the years from just testing so much alot of times when the reaction is a timed reaction with different colors it can look like a black goop at the bottom but if you turn the amp off center and on in angle and spin it the reaction chem will stick to the sides of the amp and you will see a completely different color than what you thought it was when it all just sat at the bottom.

I can’t do it today but tomorrow I will do a full write up of my experience testing primo. The tricks to test properly and what the most important parts of the process are with the little white ball and how it should turn the primo dripped in as lavender first then start its color change.

I spend today with the family but I got you
Did your business fail because there was alot of money in the form of small business grants that didn’t need to be paid back.
They have been pumping money into small business across the country. It seems like the only thing dems and rep agreed on im really sorry to hear that though but just to say I have started businesses and failed miserably without covid lol

You can try again once you get back on your feet and covid is gone. Its just like your goals with lifting. As long as you don’t give up and keep pushing towards your goals you will eventually achieve them all good luck and good gains brother
Thanks for the support. Im honestly partially glad it didn’t work out on the first go around. My business partners turned out to be a little less competent than I had thought save for one, and covid only made it worse. And as you said, just like with lifting, I’m nowhere near done. Thanks brother.
Just completed my blood test through roidtest. Its pretty easy, prick your finger with the supplied lance and then place a few drops of blood on the test card. You then put it in a bag and put the supplied postage label on it and send it off. Let you know when I hear back with my results. Didn’t take any pics, what’s in the box is shown above.
PSA about peptides for performance enhancement Steroid Profiles
So I know that we recently got a new sponsor that sells a variety of peptides, so I thought now would be a pretty good time to make this post. I’ve heard a lot of people say (or imply) that peptides are a safe(r) alternative or addition to gear, and while thats mostly true (things like TB500 and most ghrelin mimetics are pretty safe, though ghrelin mimetics can cause insulin resistance and gyno in rare cases) peptides can be just as dangerous and side effect prone as AAS. A great example of th…
Check it out great read