SB Labs

Has Anyone Seen This Before

looks crashed from my view…but cyp? You didnt add anything to it?warm it up with some water on the stove or microwave for a minute w/ o vial and then stick vial in the heated water or a heating pad. See what happens!
Looks like it started to crystallize. I’ve had a few do that. Warm it up in a heating pad, it will return to its state. It’s usually if it’s sat for a long period of time. I’d let them know tho. Or if it is overseas stuff they may send you a replacement. At least that’s been my experience. 😁
Absolutely. Pharma grade will act the same way. It’s rare for E or C but it does happen from time to time. The first thing they will ask. How long have you had it and where was it stored.
Gotcha. Been stored in bedroom but I’ve had it for a bit.

I’m going to go through my cache and do as y’all said as needed. Use up old reserves.
I think that’s a bit of bro science. But. Some oils are more inclined to PIP than others. So someone mixes, gets PIP then the whole thing rolls into (danger Will Robinson!)
I would say the crystallized stuff would be all test which means the liquid you pulled out should have a very week concentration. I assume you know the only way to save it is to re-inject what you pulled out and heat it and mix it then redraw it out. You probably already know this but in case you didn’t.
I had this happen to a vial because it got cold during shipping. When you heat it and mix it it seemed fine but basically once it crashes once for the most part You have to keep heating it every time because it would keep crashing even though it wasn’t getting cold anymore.
Darn! I don’t feel so bad pinning weak or no test once… that won’t kill me.

If I have multiple vials that have crashed and I got to do that…I’ll be a little mad