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Has anyone watched Gamechanger on N flics

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I think were heading that way. I’m not there yet, im not ready to give up steak, but it made several good points. Who would of thought Schwarzenegger would endorse a plant based diet. Cows, bulls, ox, buffalo are all fucking solid mass and live off plant protein.
Schwarzenegger is about politics nowadays. He doesnt give a shit about anyone else. Its about pandering to whatever movement he can benefit from now.

I lost respect for him years ago. This dude was even pandering to climate change and Greta Potato Thunberg all around in speeches about using public transport only and electric cars while driving to those events in his H1 hummer and taking private jets everywhere.
Coming from someone who grew up on a plant based diet before it was popular and in fact was frowned upon, meat has its place in your your diet. Maybe not in large amounts but it has its place. I think we need to stop focusing on shoving veganism down everyone’s throat and instead focus on pushing hormone free farm raised cattle instead.
Hes desperate for work nowadays. He talks shit about people with conservative viewpoints and Stallones beliefs, then turns arouns and kisses Stallones ass and how great he his and everything he does begging to be in his films.

He made the apprentice a disaster and blames it on trump.

Talks about to media how all the drugs in sports today are bad and out of control then kisses ass to bodybuilding.

Too many people still riding his nuts in the sport for no reason anymore.
Arnold was only on about 3 min. The blood test they did was the eye opener on the Dolphin football players.
Yeah I dont really fall for the propaganda shows on Netflix. Ive had bloodwork on every type of diet thru the years and my best is currently on all carnivore/keto diet. No carbs, no plants. Just meat and fats. Everything in range where it should be now. No bloating, no gastro issues. Energy is great.

Im sure some people are great on plants but not me. It makes me feel horrible and doesnt work with my body.
Most studies, documentaries, even just regular movies all seem so one sided and full of propaganda nowadays.
Whoever pays for it gets the results they want
It’s ridiculous you can’t trust any information until you have proof checked it yourself nowadays SMH
If I was in a place like you I would be raising and hunting protein for sure but I have no way of doing it im actually curious about traveling a bit and going hog or deer hunting some time.
I wish I just had enough grass to raise some chickens.
Varinder Singh Ghuman, a vegetarian bodybuilder, talks on Generation Iron 2 or 3 about struggling to develop his back because of his diet. He’s still big as fuck though.
I have tried the impossible whopper…I actually thought it was pretty good. I have also tried the impossible burrito at Qdoba and liked that as well
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I watched the show. I grew up vegetarian (not vegan)…my moms side was vegetarian and always has been. My dads side was not. To be honest nothing shocking to me in there being that I grew up that way. I have family still vegetarian. My ex-wife, my son and her family are vegetarian and some are vegan. I ate my first burger maybe 13ish and as far as meat goes I have really only eaten burgers, steak, chicken, turkey…and not a lot of it. I have always leaned more towards the vegetarian side. I will admit after watching the show I have been doing a lot of thinking
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