SB Labs

HCG who takes? Why or why not?


Well-known member
Who here takes HCG? What is all to know about it? I’m told to take it while on cycle and while floating on 200mg in between for health longevity? Does it help burnt fat or increase muscle as well? or is it just a support
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I take it once a week 1000 iu give or take it does keep my nuts big and sagging I’m on TRT but it just keeps things feeing normal plus without it my nuts draw up and when I get off it feels like my prostate has a pair of vise grips on them
I don’t think it helps with anything but the production of your soldiers.

I think it tells fools pituitary and signals fsh and/or other things to produce

I heard a myth, just some podcaster say, when you take test all the receptors hog it up, and body doesn’t produce, so the testes have no test in them to produce sperm, but his thoughts were since almost all Olympia contestants and winners have children while on the juice that there’s a sweet spot where the receptors are done taking test and it dumps then to testes, this producing… It’s an interesting idea… But those guys are on a 10 ml vial a week of test or more
I ran 250iu 2x a week during my last cycle. With how cheap it is i don’t plan on running anything with out it. If youre cycling on/off it will definitely make your PCT a bit easier as well.
It is a must have for pct these days with how low the cost is 1000 iu 3 times a week will wake the boys up after cycle with just 50 mg of clomid per day it took my sperm count from almost none to almost a million count while on TRT when my wife and I did invetro so I know it will work off cycle completely then and nolvadex and or an ai and boom
Hcg acts the same as LH in the Leydig inducing spermatogenesis and increasing testosterone. It’s used in the treatment in hypogonadism which is why it’s used on cycle and as pct. This is why people are Able to have children while on trt.
@NeuroRN is spot on. I use 1000 iu three times per week cause I like the extra sperm production with all this extra testosterone there is a whole lot more sex going on. And it sucks when you finish and can’t fire a load. And yes your natural test production stays intact. @Jobie5
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This is very good question and i do believe keeping natural function alive. I am now starting to transistion all my patients in house and now online to kisspeptin-10 due to the pulse frequency and the overall blood hormone diffence compared to HCG.

I will be offering both- but they both serve very unique functions. So if you have hcg use it then slowly transition to kisspeptin-10.

More information to come. Best as always.
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Ha ha I don’t have to many issues with tren besides bring hot all day long n night sweats… now mtren is another story, it brings out the worst in me, it is not something I should use while being a rep.
Hahahaha. You said while being a rep. Why do you don’t snap on your customers lol. I don’t like feeling aggressive. Those days are way past me now. I like peace. However I wanna punch anyone who is an idiot right now. Kisspeptin won’t be here for a while. But the B12 is suppose to chill me out also. If it doesn’t work I don’t think I will use Tren again after I finish this cycle.
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That sounds like a smart move.i haven’t said this in awhile, but I use my wife as my gauge, it happens with a lot of compounds increased aggressiveness ,I was born aggressive, like most males, and the military only helped that grow,if she says hey your gettin to be unbearable lately then I stop or lower dosage. And it’s not the compounds fault, they only bring out, what’s already waiting to be brought out.
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That’s the great thing about a wife or kid. They aren’t afraid to be honest with us. At least they shouldn’t be anyhow.

That’s one of many things I loved about NPP. I felt very good and confident. Competitive but not at all aggressive.
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