Hello. New member here. Previous user, have been clean for 7 years or so

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Hi guys. Nice to find this website. I was one of the initial members of the sourcecheck back in the day. I didn’t have anything to do with the finances of the site, etc but I was actively involved on the boards under a different handle. Just harm reduction info… never involved AT ALL with sources/sourcing. I’m very knowledgeable on how to take the drugs, what labs should be, etc due to my own experimentations. I spent about 4 years on and off the gear (mostly on) before deciding it just was time for a break. It’s been 8 years since I touched anything. These past couple weeks, I have read thru a lot of what people are posting on the boards these days and it really feels like things have gone backwards in terms of both general knowledge and general access to gear. I began to use at 28. My first cycle was 6 weeks of yellow thai Dianabol at 25mg per day, followed by a week of tamoxifen. Believe it or not, this cycle caused zero suppression of natural testosterone levels at 2 weeks post cycle. My test came back near 600. My best cycle I ever did was an amp of organon sustanon EOD with 400mg of pharma deca per week. My test levels were over 5000ng/dl. My nipples leaked when I would squeeze them and my PSA levels went up by 50% percent during that cycle. I was 225 pounds at 5’8 (my natual setpoint is about 165lbs). At the end, my test levels were 150ng/dl after PCT and I thought everything was hopeless from a numbers perspective. I was taking dostinex and I could actually fuck like a machine, so outside of what the bloodwork showed, I really didn’t know anything was wrong. I did another cycle after that and then kind of cruised on proviron 25mg day for a couple months and then did a PCT then quit for good. My test levels never went above 350ng/dl. I had never used clomid before so I convinced my urologist to prescribe it for me. Did absolutely nothing. Went back for yearly blood draws… 330, 350, 310ng/dl then all of a sudden after 5 years of no drug my levels hit the mid 500s again. I have zero clue why, but my last test was 531ng/dl at 38 year of age. The way I look, etc is basically like I have never touched the drugs. My PSA went back to normal. I think I did have some slight hair thinning in the front. I wasn’t able to keep any of the muscle… the only thing I have noticed is that it is a bit easier for me to build muscle and hold it when I am dieting which I assume is due to the muscle memory I have (I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now). I’m tempted to do a 6 week dbol cycle again at 15-20mg a day but not sure if I want to take the leap. I’d probably gain 30 pounds I’d imagine.

One thing I have learned is that what I did before was wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much gear. Most guys on the boards are doing way too much IMO and in my experience. If I were to cycle now with injectables it would be more like 10 weeks 200mg of test cyp a week combined with an anabolic like primo at 200mg per week with a 15mg per day kicker of dbol for 4 weeks. I’d consider that a big fucking deal cycle for me at this point. I’d also never touch nandrolone again bc I’m convinced that is what couase my test levels to be destroyed for so long. That being said I am happy to read up and talk.
Welcome aboard brotha , boy do I remember the REAL amps that were available 15+ years ago. That was the real deal. And your absolutely right that sust amps from Jelfa when they were made in Poland and Organon Deca from Greece you only needed the very minimum and the results were outta this world. See the issue nowadays is raws come from China and in my personal experience are underdosed. Now this is not to say there bad but that’s why in my experience you see cycles that are being ran at high doses. If you could get your hands on real pharma grade gear that’s a huge plus because there are so many counterfeits out there. Anyways man welcome to UGM, pleasure to have you here, if you have any questions or concerns just click my avatar for contact info brotha.
There seem to be plenty of real amps out there thru international sources. I’ve never had a fake pharma product. Then again I had a really good source back in the day. Does Peppharm still do business?
halifaxboy said:
I’m tempted to do a 6 week dbol cycle again at 15-20mg a day but not sure if I want to take the leap. I’d probably gain 30 pounds I’d imagine.
Yeah I dont think so. @PHD
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around and your right nandrolone dose shut you down basically immediately and it lingers for a long time in your system.
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Im sure that he doesn’t mean 30lbs of muscle. He is definitely including water weight and fat loss after the bulk. I believe?
Still. Thats just getting fat as fuck. Dosages dont make sense in other cycles. If hes talking about those prior cycles being “wayyyy to much gear”, those are baby cycles.

Jumping to 225 solid at 5’8" is a big boy and you arent getting there like that. Not unless again, fat as fuck.

Opening post and rambles on a large thread that just doesnt sound right. Feels like reading the ramblings of the fake wannbe ifbb guy that came on here recently.
I understand everything else

I was just talking about the 30lbs lol ive been there running dbol without an ai and I blew up like I ate a snozeberry lol
Everything else is a whole different story.
I will be watching 😎
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