Help I injected sub q

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So my standard trt program let’s me inject test e sub q abdomen eod. That’s 4 units of test 200. Recently I’ve been on test e 250 at .5 EOD. I’ve been running sub q but muscles hurt so did it sub q. I’ve got myself a hard spot about 2 in across now 2 days in. How long do I wait till I shold be concerned
I wouldnt worry about it too much but you can always go to the doc. Also I did sub q for a while and got a sterile abcess. I will never do sub q again. Its also not as effective because of low absorption. Ive even heard that some is lost. You might want to change your source if your getting a lot of pip
Thanks bro, honestly it’s not source. Here’s the story… I got overzealous about this bulk cycle and so I worked the hell outta legs and got doms. I haven’t had doms in forever so I forgot how bad that is lol. So just to make it more fun I injected quads. Then doms set in and holy shit… but now I’m back to im
@Sig516 I am not a fan of sub q injections at all for Test or HCG. With that being said have you tried using a insulin needle? I inject in my delts super quick and easy. If this is for TRT then all you would need is .20 ml / cc on insulin needle every day Monday-Friday only. That would give the 200 mg, just alternate injection site right delt, right pec, left pec, left delt, or right felt / left delt every other day. FYI I use 28 gauge 1/2 insulin needle.
Yep that’s what I’m using 1 in. 27g. For now I’m on 500mg per wk using test e 250.
@Sig516 - 1 in. Is not a insulin needle. I just use bigger gauge needles if your injecting 2cc or more twice a week… like me right I am running TestMass blend (300 Test E and 200 Deca) 1ml and 1 ml of Mast E, 2 cc’s twice a week. If your just running Test E I would just use a insulin needle at .40 every day Monday-Friday. This would help keep bloods more stable and less sides. Just my two cents.
Thanks dude but what about this this polymer insert that’s now in my abdomen. When should I get that looked at
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If it’s warm, hot to the touch, red irrigated or extremely painful I would go to doctor it could be infected. It is most likely oil (test e) build up from the sub q injection. It will most likely absorb into the muscle over the next couple of days… I am no doctor but I can only tell you what I know from experience, that is why I dislike sub q injections so much. If you get exclusive oil build up it can cause discomfort and pain for days but should eventually absorb into the muscle… IM is the way to go, everything will need to absorb into the muscle anyway and once you get a routine down on injections and injection sites should be quick and easy with a lot less PIP .
Thanks man I gotcha it doesn’t hurt. On the up side I feel like I could stop a knife attack if it was a gut shot lol
You will likely be fine. Just don’t mess around with it and poke and prod it. The last thing you want to do is cause additional irritation. It should settle on its own.
This is why I went back to injecting in the muscle/ delts with a 27 gauge 1/2” insulin pin. I kept getting lumps subQ. They take awhile to go away and look like crap.
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