Summer 2022

I have dosed 5iu Genotrope a few times now and the sleep has been amazing but I have started getting some CTS in my right arm. I could feel it a little when training today and my right arm grip was starting to give in because of it. I am loving this training split mainly because I get to cover a lot of muscles but after doing full body it’s a lot easier because it’s half the body parts so I can focus more on what I am training. My thought process in the gym today was simply start high and work down…

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes… 1 working set (approx 15 reps).
Chest Supported High Row… 1 working set of 7 reps.
Unilateral Cable Pushdowns… 1 working set for each side (approx 12 reps).
Lat Pulldowns… 1 working set of 17 reps.
Barbell Rows… 1 working set.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts… 1 working set.
Deadlifts… 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls… 1 working set with the full weight rack for each leg (approx 7 reps).
Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets (approx 20 reps and 15 reps).

It looks like quite a lot of volume but it wasn’t too much. I like to do stiff leg deadlifts now but my hams were feeling a little tight so I decided to do some barbell rows and just do some leg curls for hamstrings. However I done 1 set of barbell rows with 3pps and wasn’t really feeling it so afterwards I used the same weight and done a set of stiff leg deadlifts. Then I added 1 pps and done a set of conventional deadlifts and they felt great. So there wasn’t any warm ups apart from the barbell rows so I went through them fairly quickly. I didn’t want to push the weight because my back/hams felt a little tight. I also didn’t go to complete failure so not what I would usually call a working set but they definitely worked and I was still destroyed afterwards 😃

Most of the time I know the exact amount of reps I do for everything but today I put approx reps because I just pushed it to the max and concentrated on the quality of each rep so I wasn’t really counting. Occasionally I go to the gym and just go crazy but 95% of the time I am really focused on the quality of each rep and working my muscles through the entire effective range so whilst numbers are still very important as long as I am progressing gradually I don’t really care what the exact numbers are for every working set.

Oats, whey protein (chocolate peanut butter flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Sirloin steak, long grain rice and pineapple.

2ml synthetine, 1.5ml syntheselen and 5iu Genotrope.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA’s, 30g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Cottage cheese, raspberries, blueberries and walnuts.

I had a 2nd meal of oats today because I felt like a change from chicken breast, rice and sweet chilli sauce 😃

Pre bed I take my supplements (4g fish/flaxseed/krill oil, 5000iu vitamin d, 1g vitamin c, multi vitamin, 100mg/2000fu nattokinase, 8000iu retinol, 1 cap bromelain+ and 10mg melatonin. On top of this I also take 40mg telmisartan and 1000mg time released metformin.
Just a quick one tonight because I don’t have much time but want to post what I done today. I kept volume down for each bodypart because I will likely be training them again in 3 days. My plan is to do PUSH, PULL, OFF, PUSH, PULL, OFF etc but if I ever need an extra day off I will take it.

Warm Up with DB’s.
Seated Cable Chest Flyes… 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press… 1 working drop set (5pps, 4pps and 3pps).
Standing DB Lateral Raises… 1 working set with 20kg DB’s.
Machine Incline Press… 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Tri-cep Pushdowns… 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Incline Bench DB Tri-cep Extensions… 1 working set with 25kg DB’s.
Machine Ab Crunches… 5 hard sets moving up in weight each set.
Leg Press… 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions… 4 working sets moving up in weight with minimal rest between sets (finished at the full weight rack).

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Rump steak, long grain rice and pineapple.

125mg test e, 60mg mast e, 2ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen.
INTRA (40g whey protein and 10g glutamine).
Chicken breast, basmati rice and honey.
Sirloin steak, broccoli, pak choi, collard greens, red onions, and garlic.
0% FAGE Yoghurt, raspberries and walnuts.

5iu Genotrope.

I do not advise drinking whey whilst training even if it’s in lot’s of water. Long story short I am out of EAA’s so I just added it in but I knew I would bloat. It was fine because I wanted something to drink but I won’t make a habit of it and have only used it the last few days. I get some EAA’s tomorrow so will go back to them straightaway. I had a few treats over the weekend but everything is looking good.
More of the same…

Standing Cable Rear Delt Flyes… 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Unilateral High Row… 1 working set for each side.
Standing Cable Lat Pushdowns… 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Low Row… 2 working sets.
Nautilus Glute Drive… 1 working set (4pps).
Seated Leg Curls… 2 working sets.
Standing Calf Raises… 3 working sets.

I am going to rotate the nautilus glute drive with deadlifts every workout and try to progress in both over the months. I have to be careful with lower back loading so following this system will be best for me. I will be training PULL every 3 days so all main movements will be hit every week. I really like the Nautilus impact equipment and the leverage machines feel really heavy and I will be focusing on them in the foreseeable future.

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Sirloin steak, long grain rice and pineapple.

2ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA’s, 30g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Half roast chicken with sweet chilli houmous.
0% FAGE Yoghurt, blueberries, raspberries and walnuts.

5iu Genotrope.
What a difference a week makes 😃 I decided to blast again. I figured why wait until the new year. Long story short I added in NPP and upped my test e dose. I am 2 injs in and I started with 0.6ml NPP then 0.7ml and now I will carry on with 0.5ml test e and 1ml NPP EOD. That makes 525mg test e and 350mg npp per week. As posted many times in the past I am not a fan of high test doses so I would rather add in low-moderate doses of other injectables. Although I will see how I go but I may up the test to 750mg max dose. NPP will probably stay the same. I may add in eq and if I do it will start at around 300mg but I could move that up to a similar amount as my test dose (525-700mg). Now I also have some DHB to add in and it’s the first time I have ever used the compound. By reason of that and how I can be I will start with a few low dose injs then I will gradually move up to 50mg EOD. If I feel good at that dose I will gradually move up to 100mg EOD. I will add the DHB in very soon.

All in all I have a decent mix planned and will be pushing things a bit higher than usual. I am going to just stick to injectables this time round but I may finish with an oral depending upon blood work. I also have slin I will be adding in around training but just standard doses. I will probably drop HGH soon as for me personally it’s not worth it. I state that and I get hgh for free so it’s not a price thing I just don’t like what it does to me.

My training has been great recently. I am having more off days from the gym which is hard for me. Today was an off day but I nearly went because I love the gym but it’s a good thing I didn’t and my body did need the day off. On the forums I often see guys state how you can’t possibly train really hard for a few days running. Acting like if you truly train hard you wouldn’t want to go the gym again and it’s complete nonsense. The last 2 days I have literally pushed my body to the max. Yesterday I woke up feeling destroyed but by the evening I was ready to go again. Today I strangely woke up feeling great and wanted to train again but it’s a good thing I didn’t. My last 2 trainings days consisted of…

Warm Up with DB’s.
Pec Deck… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Chest Press… 2 working sets for each arm.
Standing DB Lateral Raises… 1 working drop set.
Incline Bench Y Raises… 1 working set.
Smith Incline Press… 1 working set.
Lying EZ Bar Skullcrushers… 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Unilateral Machine Tri-cep Extensions… 1 working set with each arm.
Leg Press… 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions… 2 working sets.

I only done the chest press one arm at a time because the machine is designed very poorly. It starts far too back and is bad for the shoulders and extremely awkward to get into position especially with a heavy load. So I used the other hand to help get the machine into position and it felt so much better. Yes I could get someone to help me but there wasn’t anyone suitable. The machine feels very heavy so I was pleased with my 4pps and 4.5pps.

Warm up with DB’s.
Reverse Pec Deck… 1 working set.
Nautilius Pullover… 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Lat Pulldown… 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Leverage Row… 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row… 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Instinct Glute Press… 1 working set for each side (full weight rack).
Lying Leg Curls… 2 working sets (full weight rack then about 80% of the stack).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts… 1 working set.
Deadlifts… 1 working set.
Standing Calf Raises… 2 working sets.
Stretches and Massage Gun.
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I have had some big meals today. My first 3 meals contained approx 150g carbs each. All my usual meals but I had more oats, rice and bread for each meal. I have also just had a 1500 calorie bowl of granola.

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Chicken soup (barley, noodles, chickpeas, carrots and cabbage) with a baguette.

30mg DHB, 2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA’s, 30g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, basmati rice and honey.
Sirloin steak, cherry tomatoes and wholegrain rice.
Granola with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

I have had about 800g carbs today. I felt like a machine in the gym. I only had 1 hour to train but I was that amped up I went through all movements fairly quickly because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to slowly warm up my legs and go up to my max weight 1pps at a time. My legs are destroyed (struggling to move around) and that’s all from 2 sets of hack squats. As you can see I have also started DHB and dosed that preworkout. I am going to continue with 30mg EOD and move up 10mg every week or so.

Cable Lateral Raises… 1 working set for each side.
Cable Rope Front Raises… 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises… 1 working set.
Machine Shoulder Press… 1 working set.
Pec Deck… 1 working set.
Chest Press… 2 working sets.
Machine Tri-cep Dips… 1 working set.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions… 1 working set.
Hack Squats… 2 working sets.
Leg Press… 1 working set.
I have been rotating stiff leg deadlifts with the glute drive (hip thrust) machine but I went against my “rule” the other day and ended up doing stiff leg deadlifts, deadlifts and hip thrusts all in one session. I really pushed the weight so no doubt my back felt completely off the next day so I had 2 days off. On Tuesday I felt ok so done PUSH and today (Thursday) I done another PULL day but kept the lower portion to just hamstring curls and calf raises and I feel great now. Today I also decided to keep the weight moderate and do higher reps. Many movements were in the 12-15 rep range but others for 15-20 reps and for calves mainly over 25 reps. I really concentrated on execution and feeling the muscle and contracting hard on every rep and getting the best pump possible. I will do the same tomorrow for PUSH and then go back to normal. I have been pushing the weight in lower rep ranges recently so it’s always good to have a break from that even if it’s just for 1 rotation.

The 30mg EOD of DHB has made me feel a little off so I have kept it to 30mg but next week I will move it up to 35mg then 40mg etc. I have been dosing the other stuff E3D’s but I will be more consistent and go back to EOD for that. I dose them separately because I use a slin pin for the DHB. Everything else is gtg. I will add some preworkout slin tomorrow with more intra carbs. I wanted to start upping things but my supplement order didn’t show up and the company has fucked up again so I have been waiting ages for a new preworkout, hbcd’s and eaa’s. They should be coming tomorrow so I will swop honey for hbcd’s. I usually do about 60g HBCD’s but if I ever go higher I will do a combo of that and honey.

This is the first day I haven’t had a giant bowl of granola this week but I still have another hour or so left 😃

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Roast lamb, roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, green beans, beetroot and mint sauce.

2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA’s, 60g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Special (beef, chicken, char sui and king prawn) with pineapple and boiled rice (takeaway).
Chicken, jasmine rice and blueberries.
0% FAGE Yoghurt, raspberries and walnuts.

I have also snacked on melon throughout the day. By snacked I mean I have ate an entire melon.

I am going out on Sat for my birthday so Sunday will be a complete write off but I will be back on plan on Monday. I will try and limit my drinking to an excessive amount and not a ridiculous amount 😃
I will update on this subject in a few weeks. I will explain when I next post an update. I am going to bed now. I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Thank you. I was 39. It’s part of the reason I haven’t updated recently 😃 I need to stop doing what I do when I go out. I usually go out every few months but I always overdo it when I do. It’s not good for my health and I felt like crap for a good 4 days afterwards. I ended up in an afterparty and didn’t get back until 11:30am. My kidneys were hurting for about 3 days and my body felt like a mess. All my injuries came out as well and my body felt so dry so I purposely didn’t train for about a week. I barely ate for a few days but I have had a great Christmas and ate plenty (including chocolates). I also didn’t inject anything for over 1 week but I am back on plan now.

I figured don’t post and just get on with things then come back when I am in a good routine. Everything is good now but I did hurt my back tonight in the gym. I was just walking and had only done a few lateral raises (push day) and my back tightened up. I could barely move but I had just travelled far to go to this gym (only one open) so there was no way I was not training. Ended up having a great push day I just had to be careful moving around and bending down to change weights. I also swopped db presses for machine presses so I didn’t have to pick up any db’s.

It’s still tight but hopefully I can move in the morning. It should be ok and I guess tomorrows pull day is cancelled but I will see how I feel. Besides this minor injury everything is going good now and I am planning to gradually up everything over time.

NPP seems to always give me acne which is strange so I swopped it for deca. I have also started some eq (low dose to start with). So it’s test e, deca and eq for now. I will allow this to build up then I will add DHB back in. Reason being the DHB made me feel a little anxious so when I restarted everything I figured just leave that out for now and add in a low dose of eq instead. I will be adding DHB back in soon though and dosing it EOD. I was really liking it but I need to restart it and give it enough time. Granted I am using 3 other AAS so my view is massively skewed but I have plenty of experience with that combo. The one good thing about the DHB I do have is it causes no pip at all which is great as it’s a compound known to cause people issues (mine is only 100mg/ml).

I ended up updating anyway. Time for bed now. My sausage dog has fallen asleep on my pillow. He is like a human with his head on the pillow and his body under the covers 😃 I will post again in a few days. I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Hey I think they figured out the pip problem on dhb or nobody is actually sourcing dhb I’ve used multiple
Sponsors and always good
Elvia1023 said:
My kidneys were hurting for about 3 days and my body felt like a mess. All my injuries came out as well
Overdoing it isn’t good brother. Not judging…I did the same thing. Abstaining from all things like that was probably the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I hope I stopped before doing any long term damage. Time will tell.
Now it’s time 😃 I wanted to restart when I knew I could give 100%. For months I said to myself I will update my log tonight and I never did.

Over the last 6 months I had various things to deal with. I haven’t missed a single workout in all this time. I have missed plenty of shots and I have had days of minimal food but training is always on point for me because it’s my passion.

I will go over a few things I think are important. I had issues with injuries so I basically changed my training for a couple of months. Instead of my usual warm ups and 1 heavy working set I lowered the weights and increased my volume. My new working sets were essentially my old last warm up sets but I would usually do 3 working sets with that weight. I stopped going to complete failure and basically stopped going too crazy. It resulted in some minor injuries improving and me having more energy away from the gym. In addition to that I also incorporated some BPC-157 and TB-500 and it has helped a lot.

Moving forward I am pushing everything again so I am back to my hard and heavy lifting. This time I am using heavy working sets and certain techniques to create more effective reps in a short time period so basically more drop sets and supersets.

I write detailed posts but my ways couldn’t be more simple. I don’t get lost in the details but I am too carefree so if I want to really transform over the next few months I need to be more regimented. I said to myself inject EOD but that changed to E3D’s then it was twice per week then I wouldn’t inject for 2 weeks at a time but now I am back on plan. I was using 300mg test e and 270mg deca twice weekly but I have changed things. I have just started 1.5ml (450mg test e) and 0.5ml (150mg deca every 3 days. I wasn’t using any AI’s for months on blast and cruise so I am now using 20mg every injection day but that will be increased over time.

I probably shouldn’t have but I wanted to add something that would give an instant impact so I went with sdrol. I dosed 10mg twice preworkout then had an off day and tried 20mg pre workout. The pumps were as good as the very first time I used insulin. I did feel like crap when I woke up the next day but I have used 20mg 3 days running now (training days) and I feel much better. Moving forward I will take 10mg on off days and 20mg pre workout.

Synthetine and syntheselen are being dosed at 2.5ml and 1ml preworkout so it fits in a 3ml syringe and I love that combo. If I am going to use insulin it will be 5iu humalog preworkout or 15iu humalog post workout because of my current macros at those times. I don’t like to use much slin preworkout but post I am fine pushing the dose higher as I have 150g carbs in my post workout meal so it’s easily covered. I have only injected insulin once recently but will add it in more moving forward.

My food is usually clean it’s just in my bad periods I don’t eat much. I want to start dieting on the most calories possible so I am actively pushing calories up over the next few weeks. Granted it’s not ideal but I go away in July so I want to look good for that because I am single. I am not bothered about being ripped I just don’t want to be loaded up with food so I will come back down slightly to tighten up. I do this for fun so don’t usually have dates to aim towards so that can give me something to aim at.

The plan is just to mutate over the next few weeks. Get as big and full as possible so quite simple then I will come back down so I don’t have a giant gut on the beach 😃

Today was PUSH day and looked like…
DB Lateral Raises… 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Machine Shoulder Press… 2 working sets.
Pec Deck… 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Chest Press… 2 working sets.
Close Grip Bench Press… 1 working set.
Skull Crushers… 1 working set.
Unilateral Tri-cep Pushdowns… 1 working set for each side.

85% dark chocolate, walnuts and raspberries with coffee.
5% beef mince, mixed peppers and jasmine rice.
Synthepure, dragon fruit, pineapple, blueberries, chia seeds, oats, spinach and almond milk.

2.5ml synthetine and 1 syntheselen.
INTRA (3 scoops of EAA’s, 80g HBCD’s and 10g glutamine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and honey.
5% beef mince, mixed peppers and wholegrain rice.
Cottage Cheese and 10 Ryvita crispbreads with cream cheese :o

That last meal is definitely not the norm but it tasted great 😃 The 1st “meal” was just a snack because I wasn’t hungry due to the sdrol the night before. I have been having dark chocolate and coffee most mornings for awhile now. I will continue that but will try and get that 1st meal in soon after (within 30 mins) moving forward to allow more time for more meals. Let the fun begin.

I hope everyone has been well 🙂
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