Help with accountability

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Well-known member
Any of you guys relapsed when the covid locked us down? I fell out of good habits and went back to old things. I’m definitely not proud but my gym opened back up and even right now I’m drunk missing my shoulder work out. I always lean on the iron to stay sober but thet door shut on me and now I relapsed and my addiction took back over… anyone else in my shoes?

I’m kinda throwing this out here for some accountability… I’m also throwing this out because I feel that a rising tide raised all ships…

I’ve got no people to hold me accountable on a daily … I’d like if you feel like you struggle to then let’s rise above together… also I’d like to be more a part of the group and I’d like to think my admission of guilt would encourage some guidance… we can’t all fall at the same time

I feel so small admitting this to a bunch of guys I don’t know but oddly I’m more comfortable with it than seeing a shrink.

Hands in air
Brother we are here! We all have wild ass fall downs with…drugs, women, alcohol and just losing faith.

You got this shit. You’re a machine and have a group of brothers wanting to see nothing but success with your goals in and out the gym.

You have a team of members here wanting nothing but success.

After alot of issues with my family, medical school starting out. I wanted to just throw in the towel. You have to push your head down and stay on the move going up. There will be short comings and falls but you are in control and are in charge of how big you want your legacy and empire. Always remeber that.

Great mentor told me “you are in control of the controllables” You are in control brother. So shake it off and next update i want to see you in the gym!
I will be honest and admit that I’m completely unfamiliar with addiction… but I think there is something absolutely powerful about “confessing” your missteps our in the open.

I’m not a religious person at all, but I’ve always admired the guts it takes for catholic folks to walk in and tell everything to a priest. I think it’s amazing accountability.

What I do know is the group here wants to see each and every member healthy and successful.

You took a step backwards. I hope something that is said from anyone here is what is needed to get you to step forward again and again.

Thanks for being a man and just laying it out there.
I didn’t relapse, but can’t say I didn’t come close bro. The gym minus all other benefits is like a slack adjuster for me. If I have anything leftover at the end of the day I give it to the iron. If Im doing extremely well in my career I spend it on my family. But I run… not cardio that sucks but metaphorically. For me I’m easily addicted to stuff so I can’t take meds or drink, not even 1 beer. My problem is I can’t stop. So I just admit it and live accordingly. But yeah the gym thing kinda left me in a bad place for a bit 🙃 but work picked up and my mind went else where. The good lord looks after fools to luckily
Luckily I have the ability control the booze. I’ll have few tonight so I can get to sleep earlier and then get the day started before noon hahaha. Working third shift has my sleep pattern so messed up right now.
It takes a big motherfucker to admit what you did bro! I know it’s hard man, get back on track one minute at a time! Your life is worth living, and your worth the struggle it’s gonna be to straighten everything out! Start now, live sober from this point forward, one minute at a time. If you fall, get back up, but don’t give up! You can do this bro! We all got love for you brother!
No shame in admitting you relapsed, I came close not that long ago, and let me tell you, if it wasn’t for this forum and being able to voice it, and getting support I probably would have.
I’d be more than willing to check in everyday on here to make sure your good, I believe in you, and I know you got it in you to right the ship.
Hold that head high, and know we got you man, and I want you to succeed in everything, and come out better on the other side.
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Ya brother this shit is stretching a man farther than a line down a stripers ass crack! For real man … stay at home is great considering the company lol… if I got to stay at home … well shit lol this ain’t good haja
For real tho … man I appreciate the replies… and hell yes ill get back on my feet. But ya man I might need to throw it out here and have you all hold me accountable…I properly should start a progress thread or just continue this one … anyway man…I know I don’t know you guys but you all a re good people… can always get good support at the iron… and man I’ve not had a bad experience with ug since I got here… honestly I was hoping to bring something to the table but you guys have really beat me to it. Good people.
Sooo.... 30 this month the first I'm sober... I'm sorry  the personal drama but tomorrow is day one
We are here if you need boss next time you think about taking a drink just get on and vent somebody is gonna be there for you boss every time you wanna drink pick the exercise you hate the most and do a burnout set wherever your at right there on the spot next thing you know you will be growing like a beast from something that wants to take up down something positive from a negative
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