Hemoglobin too high to donate

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Cut off for red cross is 20 im at 20.4 guy tells me i can get a dr. Referral and go to a red cross and they will whatever the word is flabotimize?
Anyway i know some on here do the shit at home and my wife is in medicine she says she can do it but i wanna know if there’s any tips
There’s actually nothing therapeutic about donating. It only stimulates your body to produce more. This is part of the reason I advocate so strongly for telmisartan.

Donation is only proved to be beneficial when HGB is extremely high.
Hmmm ill have to find my last labs to see what thats at
Im on losartin 50mgs daily is that the same by different name
Neuro said:
Donation is only proved to be beneficial when HGB is extremely high.
@Cluster my hgb was off the chart. My doc wrote a script for the hospital to draw blood and toss it. I also used red cross to donate. It has leveled out now so I don’t donate nearly as often as I ised to.
What do you mean there’s nothing therapeutic about it? It lowers your red cell count, which makes me feel much better, not as tired and lethargic! Even when I was in college n not on PEDs I’d donate blood n felt much better after the oil change.

Seems as if it would be much better to reduce the red cell count in your body to free up space, and thin out your blood a little, then taking a prescription medication that just relaxes the walls the veins to lessen the pressure, because in the end, if you go that route you will still have thick blood
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Blood letting is used waaaay to frequently and not needed 99% of the time….that being said your levels are on the high side of normal even for higher elevation.

I bet you would feel better after especially if you have symptoms like red face, dizzy, short breath, etc.

How hydrated were you when they tested?
Are you drinking at least a gallon of water a day??
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It was early so id say half gallon and my wife has been saying my face is red. Is this something that will correct itself if i drop down to a trt sized dose?
Louisianastrength said:
then taking a prescription medication that just relaxes the walls the veins to lessen the pressure,
Take a look at the large amount of information I’ve posted on telmisartan. It’s does quite a bit more than that. If you’re taking any AAS and not using telmisartan you are subjecting yourself to multiple risk factors that lead to long term chronic illness.
Louisianastrength said:
It lowers your red cell count,
For a VERY short amount of time. Sometimes less than 24 hours depending on the person. You’re removing a significant amount of volume from your body in a short amount of time… the body doesn’t know the difference between trauma and blood donation all it sees is the decrease in oxygen carrying capacity. Red blood cell production (erythropoiesis) takes place in the bone marrow under the control of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO). Juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney produce erythropoietin in response to decreased oxygen delivery (the body losing a pint of blood) or increased levels of androgens.
Louisianastrength said:
which makes me feel much better,
Cocaine makes lots of ppl feel better. Doesn’t make
It therapeutic! 😂😂😂

@Louisianastrength please look into telmisartan. If you’re running and AAS, trt included and not taking it… you’re incurring quite a bit of unnecessary risk.
We’re all aware that Athletes train at high elevation, sleep in chambers that mimic the elevation, or
Move to high elevation specifically for the benefit of high HGB? And then perform and the top level with a HGB of 24? Kenyan long distance runners?

The idea that a hgb of 18 makes your lethargic and your blood is so thick is BRO SCIENCE. handed down from forum to forum for years.

SEALs are prescribed EPO specifically to get their HGB levels above 20 to allow them to perform better and longer in the field. There’s a reason blood doping is illegal in most sports. There’s a reason EPO is on the banned substance list.

Yes long term high HGB levels… can cause problems. But that’s not solved by blood donation. And If a HGB of 18 was going to cause health problems/lethargy then the city of Denver would be dead by now.
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