Home setup or public?

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I’m at a 24/7 gym. If you go during the afternoon it’s pretty full. Early mornings and early afternoon it’s usually me and the one staff guy. I joined this gym because I can use chalk. The booty short girls and yoga pants midlife crisis gals are there at 1200 and 1600. Dumbbells go to 160. Have power lifting platform. Plenty of squat racks and have never waited for a machine or weights. And I pay 17.50 a month. Have a key fob, so if I were to go at 0500 or 2300, I can. Thought about building a home gym, but for what I want it would be 7-8k on the low end. So. I found a place, 1/2 mile away. Walk there pretty much every day unless it’s shitty out. 🤷‍♂️
It depends. Are you doing bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, CrossFit or strong man? I would say you can get away with a home setup with just about everything. Bodybuilding with a home setup will be a bit more difficult without the nice isolation and other machines that make it easier to target certain muscles.
I hear you in this one! The LAFitness we have near house is similar to what you describe, minus the fact that the DB’s only go to 125, which is odd, but better than majority of large chain gyms. Rates/Month are a bit steep for the high school kids so far and trust me, there are 3 high schools within a 4 mile radius. Perfect for me and wife when we telework and don’t want to drive our lazy asses downtown to the gym we prefer and has DB’s in KG’s that go all the way to “No fucking way” will I ever attempt to lift the damn thing.
All of the DB’s are nice and shiny stainless steel and in KG’s. I’m pretty sure they have them all the way up to 100kg. Which of course is something I will NEVER do.
Lmao! I could probably roll them around, too, but that means I’d have to be able to lift them off the rack. That’s “No Bueno” for this guy!
I would do some
Carrie’s with those maybe a db cheat oress in few years haha
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