Hahaha that was many years ago! I doubt I could do better than a C on chemistry test now. I haven’t held back! I had to replace a lot of that knowledge in nursing school!
I also have a marketing degree… but it’s really done absolutely nothing for me. :man_shrugging:t3:
Oh I know your just messing! Haha bring it on! I’m sure if I rub two sticks together long enough you can get some chem out of me.
But for real… David Sinclair is extremely smart dude. I’m looking at the book now and there’s definitely some over the top genetics in there that probably could have been skipped.
It’s funny. At 21 the thing I wanted last was to work in a lab, not only did it requires years more of school but it sounded so boring … now 10 years later the idea of working in lab and not having to talk to people all day sounds amazing.
So @Poppy and @Bigmurph have to write a 10 page report,and submit it to @NeuroRN,he will then grade it,(no learning curve)and return it to you,where you will then finalize it with the corrections he made,and share it with the class(forum).
Fine you two post 2 facts per week ,mon-thurs so we can consistently learn things,I’m being serious, or even 1 thing a week,to pass in info to the forum.
It’s like putting things together, I CANNOT read the directions, I have to look at the picture on box/directions and go from there,or have my wife read it to me, and I assemble it.
What he’s saying here in way too many words: we age Bc our bodies lose the ability to store the information needed to continue the processes that keep us young.
-NAD+ Synthesis drops (NMN provides building blocks for nad+)
telomeres shorten (literal loss of genetic code buffer, fasting/hormesis activates sirtuins which protect and repair our genetic code) (you can also activate sirtuins by expsosing the body to extreme temperatures. Cold plunge/sauna)
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