How to self treat the coronavirus. Belarus edition

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So the President of Belarus has stated this.


The vodka mentioned is about 90 proof.
That’s if you can believe any governments numbers.

Also Russia was smart and shut their border down right away, though there is something to be said for the alcohol, if I drink enough I’ll sweat it out and be a walking sanatizer.
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Honestly I would believe Russia over US numbers in these cases. Russia was the first and most aggressive at the borders and containment. It wasn’t a “do you need to see a doctor?” Type situation. If they thought you were ill or infected they dragged your ass in and quarantined you.

Even China would drag people in that refused to wear masks.

Only in Western countries do they let it get out of hand by giving people choices over just taking action.

Edit. Should add if they thought it was out of hand then you’d die from a bullet before the virus lol.
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It’s a hard balance, perhaps China will finally put in decent sanitation, and stop allowing these open markets of animals in cities with 11 million people. A substantial amount of these weird viruses originate from there.

I’m definitely willing to give this remedy a try!
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China doesn’t care and won’t ever change. There’s some good people there but a lot of nasty people too. This virus is modified and got out accidentally. Its going to happen again but it maybe intentional at some point. And they aren’t the only ones working in this field, Russia, US are doing it too. China is just the most careless.
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They traced it to an animal market in Wuhan, you get a bunch of animals together, exotic/domestic, and shit mutates. Plus they have a real penchant to slaughter meat right at these markets, and I’m sure they aren’t using bleach on anything.
Not to mention these countries that eat bats/rats, they are well known to harbor nasty shit.
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Lmao good point, omw there.
I’m more worried about being quarantined! Man I’d go nuts stuck at home for 2-4 weeks.
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