I gotta get out of my fucking head

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We have all been conditioned to bottle our shit up. Men, especially hard men, aren’t supposed to feel anything. Personally I think the harder you are the more you need help. Toxic masculinity is killing men faster than heart disease.

I have hurt myself and done more damage to my soul that anybody could ever do to me. The fact that you can articulate your pain and can understand your emotions is incredible. That’s more than most will ever be able to do.

When I’m in the dark I try to think on all the good things I have done. It’s not always easy. We tend to hyper focus on our negative traits not our positive ones. I don’t know you but I can’t imagine you are the monster you tell yourself you are at times. Asking for help is so fucking hard bro. Doing the work to get healthy isn’t any easier but there is light out there. You will find it!
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