As mentioned above. Went to a few hardware stores this past weekend, then a gas station. Pretty sure when paying I pulled out my cell and wallet as they were in the same shorts pocket. Got home and realized I couldn’t find my cell so tracked it…was in the area but not exactly where I preciously was at. However, I backtracked and stopped at all places I was at….no luck. Went back home a saw it still showing up, so ringed it and texted I’m coming to retrieve my phone as I now brought my ipad which will continue to show where it is at. Well when close, I’m pretty sure whoever tried to steal it, chucked the phone out the car window but kept the cheap case. Ended up finding it in the road, most likely run over. It was my work phone which I actually use for everything, so it shouldn’t be a problem to get a new one. Just sucks people can’t keep their hands off things that are not theirs. Here’s the aftermath.