I need some help for my ole lady


Well-known member
This post covered a number of areas, like GH, AAS, nutrition/cleanse, so I thought it might fit better in the General category. Please move if you see a better fit.

My wife has always been in great shape. She eats well and she trains the same training program that I’m on at any given time. That said, she started looking for new means to rejuvenate herself. After 3 kids and also just getting older she wanted a little help. She did a 6 week Var cycle with pretty great success and started GH following that. Well she’s a little over a month into her GH at 1iu a day. She had some sides during her Var cycle, like some acne and some slight hair thinning but nothing she couldn’t handle with just a slight adjustment in dosage. Well even after 2 months her acne is still hanging around and of course the GH has started some bloating.

Anyway, long story short is that she basically wants to hit the reset button and figure out what the deal is with some other issues she’s been having before continuing down this path. What would be the best way to do a cleanse and detox? I mean from start to finish. Does she take stuff? Does she fast? What’s the best way to go about it? Any and all help is appreciated. She’s desperately trying to figure this out and I dont like to see my baby unhappy.
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Hormone balance for women is a tough nut to crack. In my experience the absolute game changer for my spouse was seeking the help of a medical professional. She sees an ND that specializes in hormone balancing through the use of nutrition, OTC supps and exogenous hormone therapy.

Don’t let her figure it out on her own or based on what you know. That can be just more frustrating. Support her and encourage her to seek professional assistance.
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Sorry man. Guess I missed the Ladies forum.

Thanks for that advice though. That’s gonna be tough. She royally hates doctors and specialists with a passion.
I hear you. You can’t fix stubbornness. 😉 Sounds like she needs to decide how important it is to her on her own. I can’t convince my wife of anything and trying to do so makes me wish I was back in the sandbox.

BTW- ND’s are a different breed of doctor. If she has never been to one she might be pleasantly surprised. The perfect storm is an ND who is also an MD.
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How old is she, and could she be seeing menopause symptoms yet?

lots of clinics are giving women testosterone pellets to boost the levels just a little.

Blood work is always helpful, if you can afford it just go get an extensive hormone panel for women.

some women use spironolactone as an anitandrogen, helps with things like acne, facial hair etc. its primarily a diuretic, pretty safe drug in low doses
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I’m very big on blood work and made sure that she got all of her baselines before she started her first cycle. She is what you might consider borderline low T. The test minimum showed 12ng as the low and she is at 16ng. I made sure she got bloods after her 6 week cycle then again 4 weeks later to make sure she wasnot experiencing anything out of the ordinary. I consider spironolactone or accutane for her acne but she can barely handle OTC acne treatment gels let alone something like those 2. I think she might just have to bite the bullet and go see a specialist. Thanks for your input though. I appreciate it.
In all honesty bro Seek someone certified to help her not advice from here. Most the advice you will get will be what they think is best not what’s actually best. @SemperFi had the best advice by working with hormone dr
Spiro is pretty basic. Nothing scary like accutane.
It just blocks the androgen effect.

More bloods could shed some light on where everything is at now, I dont think she needs to do anything like a detox. It’ll probably just take some time for all the hormones to reach homeostasis again.

The blood work the chicks get is way more involved then when it’s dudes usually get. DHEA, estradiol, progesterone, pregnenolone, test and free test, that’s just the shit I can remember.
I know this isnt really the place and I may not get an exact answer but like I said, my wife hates the entire medical and pharmaceutical complex/industry and it’s hard to convince her to go. I figured I would either get enough people saying “go see a doctor” or they would give some ideas. That way she could at least see the need to go. So far that’s been helpful so I really do appreciate it.
I don’t think it’s time to run to a dr
Just come off the drugs and keep training and eating.
The sides are pretty much normal sides and just need some time.
Unless she has a really helpful dr I would expect the usual " dont take steroids anymore" response.

Test pellets are getting pretty popular. Keeps testosterone levels a little above the normal range and lasts 3 or 4 months.
I was wondering about the compatibility of some medical treatment and diets. My lady (and me also) might be older than average forum user here, I mean 50 y.o.+. So the question is does taking treatment like sildenafil and also been on diet including protein will have any consequences? Might sound awkward but I don’t care, I’m on the Internet, nobody will ever know. We are trying to keep our selfs in shape but you can’t argue with the Time. When you’ll grow up you will understand (hopefully not). I think I can proudly say that we are looking much better than our coevals. And we also want to be a good example for our children in order to have no worry about their health when we will pass out.
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I would suggest seeking the service of a naturopathic doctor (ND) and see if your wife is a candidate for HRT.

My wife is up there in age and HRT was a life changer!

TRT might be a great option for you as well.
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I know this is a little late to post but if your wife is looking for a good detox diet etc this is what palumbo came up with

Program is 3-Weeks (21 days) in duration (I would try to stay on this as long as you can)
Must fast (not eat or drink) for 12 hours every day. That means you must eat all your meals within the allowable 12 hours. You MAY drink water outside of that 12 hour period but nothing else. Nothing!
Your body will be releasing many toxins during this time period so make sure you drink lot of water. Alkalinized water is best (if you have availability). Fiji water is alkalinized. Whole Foods sells alkalinized water. I sell a product called the ION POD (http://davepalumbo.com/STOREV2/IONpod.html): you just add tap water to it and in 5 minutes you have alkalinized water (drink at least 7-10 glasses of this per day during this detox)
You may feel “strange” or you may have “interesting” bathroom habits. That’s a sign that you’re detoxing. Don’t get nervous or panic.

No Coffee
No Dairy
No Red Meat
No Wheat (read labels carefully)
No Eggs
No Protein Shakes
No sugary fruits
No alcohol

DIET (4 meals per day: Choose 1 PROTEIN and 1 CARBOHYDRATE plus 1 VEGETABLE for each meal):
*****4.5oz protein and 40g carbs per meal (men)
*****3.5oz protein and 30g carbs per meal (women)

Baked or Broiled or Poached Fish (white fish is best)
Lean chicken breast
brown rice
sweet potatoes
any veggies

kale salad (kale, cucumbers, celery with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar)
Fresh steamed or raw (even better) green beans
Fresh steamed or raw asparagus
Fresh steamed or raw broccoli

extra virgin olive oil or macadamia nut oil (1 tablespoon of either 3x per day)


a. Psyllium fiber supplement (2x per day) *** FIBERLYZE is excellent choice. Fiber pulls the released toxins out of the body (very important). www.speciesnutrition.com (call my office at 516-280-6112 and you can order it for my client pricing)

b. Probiotic
customprobiotics.com 6-in1 strain is great
Bubbie’s Sauerkraut—have a few servings per day
Coconut Kefir (don’t use milk-based Kefir)

c. Fruit and Vegetable Extract
JUICE PLUS+ contains all the valuable nutrients of whole fruits and vegetables-- without the sugar http://dave-palumbo.juiceplus.com/content/JuicePlus/en.html
(2 pills of the GARDEN BLEND in morning and 2 pills of the ORCHARD BLEND at night).

d. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (with “Mother”): Take 1 tablespoon in 8oz water 3-5x per day (great detoxifier)

e. Kidney Stuff (kidney detox): 1-2 servings per day: Purchase: http://davepalumbo.com/STOREV2/kidneystuff.html

f. Milk Thistle (liver detox): I prefer European Milk Thistle (from Life Extension): 1 pill 2x per day

g. Raw Cacao (terrific anti-oxidant, polyphenolic, and total body detoxifier
a. Dave Palumbo’s Raw Cacao Bars (2-3 squares per day): http://www.davepalumbo.com/index.ph...Cacao-Bars-4-Bars/p/21835829/category=5268220
              b. Dave Palumbo Raw Cacao Drink Mix (1-2 servings per day)
h, Vitamin D3: 5000IU 1x per day
i. V-MINERALYZE: It contains high levels of chelated (amino acid bound) calcium, magnesium, and other essential minerals such as iron (studies show that most athletes-- men and women-- are iron deficient which can lead to low RBC counts), zinc (helps raise testosterone levels), selenium (great antioxidant), iodide (important for proper thyroid function), copper, manganese, chromium (necessary for proper insulin sensitivity), molybdenum, potassium (necessary to maintain proper intramuscular fluid balance), boron, silica (great for the joints), PLUS VITAMIN D (essential to pretty much every organ in your body). Plus it has a full array of Vitamin C, B-complex, Blueberry extract and lycopene. DOSE: 5 pill 2x per day

j. OMEGALYZE (it contains 2600mg Evening Primrose Oil and 3000mg Omega-3 Fish Oil per day—30 day supply in one bottle). A great value and it’s all in one bottle! DOSE: 3 pill 2x per day
Wow bro, thanks for posting that. It’s quite a bit of info to take in right now but I’ll be sure to read through it thoroughly. One it will likely expand my knowledge but 2, if it helps the wife then I’m a happy man.