I would love it if UGM had a a/na type meeting

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I mean it’s a great place to start but you are correct in that ultimately in person is the best route but for someone who’s not used to a good meeting online can start the fire burning
You’d be surprised at what you have in common with people in the rooms. It’s an awesome thing to hear your story coming out of someone else’s mouth. Hit an in person meeting bro. You won’t regret it
Having spent a bit of my life struggling with a variety of addictions, etoh got its hooks in me more than anything. Sober for quite sometime now, thankfully.

I know it’s different for everyone but a few sober guys I knew started the “enhanced “ path in the gym and ended up using/abusing substances again. Something about the illicit nature of gear can create an environment of dishonesty which is contrary to the AA doctrine.

Not suggesting this happens for everyone but lies and hiding are not the best path to recovery. Everyone has their own deal but something to consider.
Its funny you mention the it being illicit and causing dishonesty. That’s why I’m very open about my use maybe not tell people cycle but If they ask I say I am enhanced font hide anything form the people in my life about it as well. Back when I was running around cincy using an assortment of intoxicants I was open then as well seemed like I didn’t really get bad off until I lived down here and hide use of drugs. All of a sudden it was using less often but more when I did cause well you can’t leAve tye evidence lying around got to use what you en you got it
I had to get honest with my lady about it. Running around hiding and pinning my ass in secret just opens the door to other dishonest Shit.
I’m real fucking real about it now with my girl. She is a big fan of getting blasted 2x daily for 12-16 weeks!
Don’t beat yourself up about drinking. Self loathing is not a spiritual tool.

I used to hate myself when I fell off a night or two. Then I started looking at it differently- instead of hating myself for drinking a day after a week sober I started looking at it like I’ve been sober 9 out of 10 days.

One day at a time is the walk. If you slip just get up and start walking again.
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