Intro - background. 43y/M/new to gear

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Hi. I’m a 43 year old Canadian guy, who is starting to feel a decline in natural growth and recovery. I’m ~160 and probably 16-18 bf%, would like to be 155-160 at 12-14%, and 15-20% stronger on the 5x5 lifts.
Genetically not pre-disposed to muscles, started to dabble with oral Sarms during the pandemic boredom. They worked mildly. Recently tried Var (oral, from alphanorth) and saw body composition improvements.
Gonna read thru the forums here to see what you all have tried that will help me build and keep my joints and hormones healthy.
I have not. it’s not so simple in Canada to find a place / get a script for labs.

My post about a decline is related to age; I think I’m seeing the over-40 natural test drop, and it was probably made worse from lower general* activity during Canada’s lockdowns. (I still trained, just not much other movement during the day)

Agree that I should get some labs, thanks.

I googled TRT Canada and it looks like you have online TRT clinics available. Onmen was the 1st that popped up and Foundations was another.

Why not use a service like this and get tested before you blindly take things that you may not need or shouldn’t use yet?

I think you will see most will suggest getting your diet, workout routine, and bloodwork done before you proceed.

Ask questions, read all the info, and decide if this life long commitment is worth it for you.
Second what was said here. Welcome. You need some labs. I’m guessing your hormones probably are out of whack now.

Sarms are a waste of money unless you’re a woman. Oral cycles only aren’t going to bring you any closer to your goals long term and only add undue stress on the body.

I would follow the advice of finding a trt clinic.
Welcome to UGM. If you’re seeking sound advice you’ve definitely come to the right place. There’s a lot of good folks here.
I’m in Canada and a buddy of mine uses trubalancehealthcare in Canada. The doctors consults cost about $750 year 1 and $500 year 2+. The doctors consults include labs every 3-6months and they prescribe legit Parma grade delatestryl for $75 per 10ml vial.
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