Intro - Been lifting for over 35 years

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Well-known member
I’m almost 50 years old; 6’2", 212lbs, 12% body fat (Dexa scan). I work as a physical trainer. Started TRT a few years ago. Not interested in blasting - my cholesterol is too high. I take two shots per week of cypionate 80 mg/dose.
My DL is 495; Squat 325; Bench 350; Pullups w/ 100lbs for 5 reps
Welcome! Those are some nice numbers as is, regardless of age. You’ll definitely like it here! 😎. Do you consider yourself as primarily a power lifter, bodybuilder, or a combination of both?

I’m in my early 40s and consider my style of training to be more heavily towards bodybuilding (higher reps, moderate weight) but also fit in some sets with heavy weights and reps in the 3-5 range. I don’t do 1RMs anymore as the benefits vs. the risk of injury leans more towards the later.
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Welcome! I’m another one of the old guys, probably one of the very oldest at almost 57 years young. Upside to the average age here is that it is a very collegial place where gratuitous BS isn’t tolerated and the experience level is off the charts. You lift numbers are impressive! I’m kind of the inverse: My DL is only 315, and I struggle to get 300+ on bench, but my squat is 365x3.
Have you had labs lately? Curious as to what that dose yields.

Beings you’re in great shape…you’re probably getting a lot of bang for your buck.
I had labs 8 months ago. NY State was a pain in the ass for labs. I think the law changed because now I can get them without a prescription.

My free test was 19.5
Total t levels 1150 (I started trt at 575- but when I was in my 20s it was around 1100)

Being that I just started with a new vendor, I’ll test again in about 5 weeks. Do you think I should do labs for estrodiol, LH and FSH?
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