Intro, brief stats, and question

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Most blood work when you get Test shows free and overall test levels. At 611 is pretty good. Most guys like to hover around 750 or so, but I can tell you this. At 600 no doc will prescribe TRT to you. If you go to a TRT clinic you will have to hard sell the low T signals you are having and some may not touch you. As far as PCT or TRT, remember. TRT will be for life. It’s not a I’ll do it a while and quit. It’s for the rest of your life. Once you start impacting natural teat levels, it gets harder and harder to recover naturally. I’ve been on TRT for about 12 years now. I’ve tried to bring back my natural with PCT and I was down to 75 on my test levels after trying PCT. So here I am using Test for the rest of my life. Or until I’m old and don’t want to do anything anymore. 😉
TBU said:
So here I am using Test for the rest of my life. Or until I’m old and don’t want to do anything anymore. 😉
I know it’s serious business but you just crack me up sometimes. Hahaha
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@Burrito I was very hard on you which I apologize for your brand new and I apologize for the way I came at you

At ugmuscle we do things very different than other forums. We are an advertising forum when it comes to sponsors so if you have a question for them you can click on there ava or pic and get an email to contact them this is why I flagged your post.
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Ok brother @Burrito we’ve got all that out of the way. Those dudes above have given some great advice.

You’re 30…in my opinion, you’ve got some big decisions to make…

Do your 1st cycle pct off and get your body producing it’s own test again…go about your way.

Do your cycle, pct…try it again…wash rinse repeat. Eventually you won’t be able to produce your own test to upper normal levels.

Do your cycle with intentions of never coming off…”blast-cruise” read @TBU post above.

Thats kind of your choices. Do you have kids, underlying medical issues, overt medical issues, finances to support a possible lifetime of trt until you crash so bad that insurance will pick you up…do you have insurance? Are you willing to donate blood regularly…get regular blood panels?
My thoughts have been leaning on doing a cycle and PCTing for a couple of years until the PCT part becomes too intense to recuperate from and trt becomes the option. As far as my health markers go, fertility is the main thing I would like to make sure I can regain because I would like to have children. From what I understand, HCG and HMG should be enough to increase fertility levels high enough to enable conception. I have no issue with the idea of being on TRT for a lifetime, I’m a man of habit and I like my routines, but I would like to prolong the step if it makes sense. I’m just not sure if it makes sense…

The way I see it is, I have about 5 more years of quality time I can use to get to the best version of myself. After that, the clock has rung it’s final bell and the most optimal version of my physical stature will be unattainable. With that in mind, I’m unsure if I want to deal with the time spent in regression for PCT, whereas instead of losing the time I can give my body the break with low dosed T And continue to work towards my optimal performance.

I understand the idea for donating blood, but don’t believe in blood donation (those donating centers sell the blood we freely give them for hundreds of dollars, they can afford to not call it a donation and pay their donors accordingly, in my opinion).

I do have full coverage insurance. And I’ve always been as healthy as a bumble bee…Plus test seems pretty damn cheap as it is.

Thanks for the replies.
I’m 35 and I’m nowhere near my optimal physique so don’t sell yourself short
I’m probably wrong but I’ve never heard of “pcting for years”.
I highly recommend not even venturing down this path especially if you’re not competing on a professional level. I myself take aas I have no business taking albeit not in so much of a reckless manner but that I’m just an insecure gym rat that can probably look the way I do now without the stuff. This life can be a slippery slope for some. I myself started with the supplements at the nutrition stores then prohormones which were legal steroids with slight molecular alterations, then a test only cycle, now I’m taking test, winstrol, tren, equipoise and I’m not getting any fuckin ribbons, trophies, sponsors, or money, just me feeling like I’m the best looking guy at my local gym. There will always be someone bigger, badder, stronger and leaner. Not to mention the deleterious health effects that are possible along with the possibility of deleterious effects it can have on one’s mental health as well. I used the same excuses about being, tired, sore, this that and the other just to justify my usage. Get your test levels checked because if their in range LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE
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