Most blood work when you get Test shows free and overall test levels. At 611 is pretty good. Most guys like to hover around 750 or so, but I can tell you this. At 600 no doc will prescribe TRT to you. If you go to a TRT clinic you will have to hard sell the low T signals you are having and some may not touch you. As far as PCT or TRT, remember. TRT will be for life. It’s not a I’ll do it a while and quit. It’s for the rest of your life. Once you start impacting natural teat levels, it gets harder and harder to recover naturally. I’ve been on TRT for about 12 years now. I’ve tried to bring back my natural with PCT and I was down to 75 on my test levels after trying PCT. So here I am using Test for the rest of my life. Or until I’m old and don’t want to do anything anymore.