this forum..glad to be apart of somthing

Yeah i heard it is…anadrol made me feel weird. I did do tren one time for 7 weeks or so and could not get anymore. I was a lot more aggressive. And i got so strong. But than ran out.
Ill say one thing. Im at work doing all the work. Like my energy is up big time. Used the no ester tren first. Got in me quik
Right john…with this substance low carb has reallly affected me more in the last 3 days so ive added some oatmeal in a shake before i start to feel like that. Hope it helps
I’ve come to learn low carb and teen go hand and hand to keep night sweats down. But I overall feel better carbed up. I’m cutting right now and putting on good size on tren while still eating 50/40/10. Night sweats and insomnia do get me but I’m use to going with little to no sleep.