Yeah i heard it is…anadrol made me feel weird. I did do tren one time for 7 weeks or so and could not get anymore. I was a lot more aggressive. And i got so strong. But than ran out.
Ok john. So thats an important thing ill look for how my mind reacts and body…and i see every one agrrees not to take to much as well. Because its so strong
Right john…with this substance low carb has reallly affected me more in the last 3 days so ive added some oatmeal in a shake before i start to feel like that. Hope it helps
I’ve come to learn low carb and teen go hand and hand to keep night sweats down. But I overall feel better carbed up. I’m cutting right now and putting on good size on tren while still eating 50/40/10. Night sweats and insomnia do get me but I’m use to going with little to no sleep.
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