Introducing myself

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I’m Andrew I’m 23 and I’ve started training for about 2 years just getting healthy then I decided to enter in body building and want a boost because I haven’t had any major gains since I’ve started I’ve been training consistently for about 4 1/2 years I have no kids and I want to expand my body and become a whole different person through the use of testosterone
Well I started off at 235 pounds of straight fat and my diet really consist of chicken lean beef rice my greens I started off to get slim and I dropped for 165 pounds and I’m 5’8 the gains are visible but it’s not like how I would want them
At your age I would stay natural for a bit longer. I would just go back into a slight surplus for gains. You dropped a ton of weight and giving the body a little extra would be beneficial. Ask yourself about long term risk. Do you eventually see yourself injecting the rest of your life. Do you want kids.
I’ve researched a little here and there about cycling and personally I don’t want to have kids in the long run and I’m willing to take the sacrifice of being unnatural I want to explore and experience new things and live life I want to compete but naturally I don’t think I could get recognized like that I get where your coming from and I respect you for the feedback in my eyes I want to live life and make the best out of it and live a great one at that
Thank you I’ve tried my hardest to recomp my excess body fat which isn’t very much but it’s been killing me and I want to start competing with bodybuilding it’s been a struggle and I already have naturally low test and I’ve went to doctors and they won’t prescribe me with anything to help it so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands
Andrew said:
I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands
I get it…

If you’re not going to wait… the best bad advice I can give you is get a full blood panel including hormones….start at ~100mg of test e or c e3d and monitor yourself…get labs…adjust if needed
No kids !!! Make sure you do your research before really jumping in bud. I know people who shut their self down just for gains and then then was a nightmare to have kids when the time came . They did have kids but just saying … your young
This stuff isn’t magic, it is the icing on the layered cake that is Nutrition, Training, and Recovery. If you do not know how to pull your individually unique levers for this yet (for example the ability to put on .25lb a week thru eating and training or being able to work an area of the body that are weak to see gains) no oil or pill are going to help.

You are young and still have sooo much life in front of you. How you feel today Will Not be how you feel in 10 or 20 or 30 years. If you head down this path, strongly consider building this into the cost of this expensive lifestyle:

I also strongly encourage you to get new full blood work labs complete and share them here so we can help you decide the best course of action.
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