I ran his test e @ 150/wk & got bloods came around 960 thought it was gtg but guess what? Now I realize I was on Nolva too & that alone raises my natty test to around a 1,000… Then recently ran his test again at 1,800/wk & that’s when I noticed his garbage is plain oil & some poison & notified the mods here, was waiting to get bloods to post review but he’s banned, not sure if I should still post a review but sure.
& yea we have to post reviews to let everyone know! for example
ex : “hey ugm I’ve used ExampleSrc & the gear was contaminated with fast growing organisms so doc had to amputate my right leg, I don’t recommend anyone using ExampleSrc”
ExampleSrc has no history anywhere, just a 15 year old kid who contacted ugm to be a verified SRC on here & wanted to sell the crap he made in the kitchen while his parents were at work. Probably a very similar situation with IJL looked him up he’s not anywhere, I’d personally at least make sure the src is on several other forums & has a long history, what I learned the hard way