Is it realy an awful idea to blast while high bodyfat?


Active member
I’ve started my first cycle (500mg test E/week split dosed for 16 weeks, 50mg anavar for 4-8 weeks), but heard from many people that blasting while having a high bodyfat is horrible.

Is it really though? As long as E2 is kept in check (since I presume the fatter you are, the more aromatizing you have going on), and calories are at maintenance, couldn’t a recomp be achieved?

Thanks for any advice.
There’s a difference between a “blast” and a “cycle”. Blasting is the other half of cruising…thats for long term usage. Some guys on trt will cruise on that then add some extra for a while for a blast.

A cycle is where there is a beginning and end…12 weeks 16 weeks whatever.

I apologize if you weren’t confusing those.
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Faster aromatizing because of higher body fat % is bro science at best. I’ve been on trt for around 20 years and my bloods came back within range every time. Now anastrozle was part of my trt protocol at .25 mg twice a week but that’s well within normal ranges
I assume the muscle builds under the fat and you will get bigger but not as defined I’d imagine maybe that’s why people say cut down BF before running some things, like if I run a cycle with low BF it’s gonna look way different then you.
I did prior. My E2 levels were within normal range, although I do have slightly elevated BP prior to cycle from high caffeine + sodium consumption most likely.

I’ll get another blood work done 4 weeks into the cycle to see where my levels are at.
I have high BF and I will tell you from plenty of experience it definitely matters how well your cycle will go I don’t know if it’s your just in better shape with a lower bf but yes I always drop my bf down before a cycle the lower the better best way in my opinion to get it done is fasted cardio once you wake-up

If you have no bp issues you can add an ECA stack to the fasted cardio and that just speeds up the process
Blood work. I’m at a high body fat on trt right now. 200 mg test cyp pretty high for trt. But my e2 is fine. .like @Thunder does, . But. 5 adex twice a week seems to work for me. Blood pressure was an issue though at first. But dieting/intermittent fasting and cardio have really helped that. But it did help with weight loss. From 270 to 240. If you are hypogonal weight loss will be an uphill battle
Thank you everyone for the advice, I seriously can’t say enough how great this community has been to me in such a short time that I’ve been around.

Seems like the consensus is to incorporate fasted cardio, which I’ll do starting from now on.