Jan.12 ok poppy edition of diets and lifting

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Staff member
Good morning.Breakfast was egg sandwich,bananna,protein shake,water.
My uncle showed up last night asked if I was workin today,I was like,what the fuck is work.anyways I’m helpin him today.i did do chest before work though. Now my dilemma is, basketball practice later,or hunt later? I know the head coach won’t mind,I don’t think my daughter will mind,she understands my passion for hunting…I will do whatever you guys think(majority rules),all decisions are final,unless I don’t like your guys answer.
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John said:
I will do whatever you guys think(majority rules),all decisions are final,unless I don’t like your guys answer.
You just crack me up!
I’m guessing most people are gonna say go to the practice,spend time with my daughter,however when I’m a coach,it’s not father daughter,it’s coach n player
This is how I justify not going to her gymnastics,jts the only thing she does that I never go to,because I do so many things with my kid,hiking,fishing,basketball,softball,shoot guns,ride the quad…so skipping things on the occasion isn’t so bad?
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