Joe gets his first wolf puppy

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Thanks. Wife just got to hotel. There was a delay in Denver cause lightning I guess. Cannot wait for son to hold it for first time. And personally cannot wait for it to howl first time.
Thanks brother. And yes this is his favorite dog in the whole world it will be like his kid!! Big thanks to rare breed exotics from Sacramento for making this possible. Dudes life work is in this dog. He raises these things for movies and for rich people. He wanted to create a wolf dog that is easy and good as a family pet. It is 70percent artic wolf and the rest is a mix of shepherd and malamute and a itty bitty part husky. These dogs normally sell for 10k and up. I responded to an add for a 10 week old gray wolf that was half off cause the age and when I told him what the purpose was he refused to sell me the pups cause they were past the point of being able to socialize and an hour later he called me and said he had a dog for my kid!!! Said he wasn’t gonna sell it but he wanted Joe to have it This particular wolf dog is part of the family of wolf he has been working with to be a family dog. He sold it to us for $2500 which was in my budget. God bless those who care. I owe a lot to this world for the way everyone is doing my son good!!! I will never forget and always try and pay it forward!!!
Puppy is awesome. Cept wolf puppies eat a lot a lot a lot and poop as much as they eat.

It will help his relationship with Joe being a nurturing part of his life. They say a wolf will never forget his mother but will take a substitute if necessary. Wolfs can recognize up to 150 human commands where as a dog can usually do up to 30. So they are way smarter then a dog. But can also make them more stubborn and harder to train. And ya the paws wow. Look at them in my hand
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Ya he is very submissive except with food. We are working on that. It’s funny though all the dogs think the wife is the alpha female. Maybe she is more alpha then me cause when she gets mad the dogs all hide from here. Even the wolf pup. Me or Joe get mad at him and he just looks at us like we are stupid.
The wolf decided he likes sitting on the dashboard of my suburban. Get a lot of people at red lights looking and laughing.

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