SB Labs

Dr. Mike and mental sides of steroids


Staff member

It’s no secret that I’ve been a fan of RP for a long time. Used their templates for many years.

As I’ve advanced in my own knowledge and training I’ve come to think less of Dr. Mike. I’m sorry but if this is what’s going on in your head while on steroids…. This isn’t for you.

Good on him for being open. But this isn’t true for everyone. And he has a real bad habit of speaking as the final authority on everything he says. This furthers the negative stereotype of those using steroids and bodybuilders as well as power lifters.

For someone that acts as the final authority on so many diet and training topics… it’s sad that it took him 20 years to build the physique he has.

I think he has a niche for the average Joe out there. But him speaking as an authority on body building when his methods have produced no one of value to the sport. (Jared Feather is a genetic outlier and Charlie was huge way before training with them).

He has some good info…as always to be taken NOT as gospel but just as more knowledge to store for use or toss out if not useful.

Also agree on speaking as an authority as if everyone is the same.
I won’t say it’s sad it took 20 years to build that physique as some wil never build that but I will say the dose he said he was taking and the sides. Made me think he either was lying about doses or like you said shouldn’t have been doing this to begin with.
I’m a fan of Dr Mike and think he has some good information but I don’t agree with everything he says either. I started to question him a few years back when he suggested that a mans first cycle should be oral only. His explanation wasn’t all to convincing either
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Shit,ive attempted/talked about start a cycle on and off for the last 18 months,strictly cause of mental thing,lower a med,up the other med,add this and that pill…im a space cadet all over the place lately,irritable,discontent,feisty,anxiety ridden soon as i get up.
My point being,is that you made a vaild points @Neuro I shouldnt even be attempting…i dont keep up with all these dudes,i just study the feed back from intelligent dudes like you.
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No I think attempting is absolutely okay, because you’re able to step back and acknowledge hey this isn’t affecting me in a positive way.

This guy is constantly thinking about hurting people and just kept on going. BIG Difference.
Copy that, i know what you mean…also the financial waste on gym/food/gear,you guys see my morning posts i go days n days in between gym days,id be a dumbass to be pinning…although i do like the days i use Legit PWO, pumped all day,good energy