July 24th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was 4 HB eggs no yolk,1 cinnamon raisin bagel,light cream cheese,1 vanilla protein shake blended with strawberries and chia seeds, banana,water.Not lifting today.
Yeah it’s about time to add it back as something different
I had a real good chest workout today. For dinner I’m going out for my first cheat meal in 19 days. Not cheating helped me make real good progress on lowering my body fat without even doing cardio. I’m ready for a cheat meal though. I’ve had a lot of mental ups and downs lately. Living on mostly protein shakes and some egg whites and rice isn’t the best for mental health. 🦇 :poop: 😜
Ya your diet has been really boring lately. Mostly shakes. Having cheat day today myself. Had French toast and eggs and bacon and sausage and American fries for breakfast and lunch. Having a Philly with extra meat split into two meals for afternoon meals and all rest today.

Went to beach and buried daughter in sand

So basically you can find them at a couple stores like Walmart or HEB. Kind of hard to find but they are made of kinky flour and water and have 5 calories in 85 grams with 3g carb and 3g fiber. Little pricey but 2.5 servings per bag. Texture and smell is weird but if you rinse them and follow the instructions on back they are much more like real noodles
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