SB Labs

July 26th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 can a tuna mixed with a cup of rice, 1 vanilla protein shake blended with strawberries and chia seeds,apple,coffee and water.Doin back today after work.Goin home for lunch so doin two turkey burgers on grill, lett tomato cheese red onion with a protein shake.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Good morning my friend.

Oats n protein

No training today I think. Got a chiropractor apt this morning in a bit. Gotta get straight. I’ll be 5’10” by lunch after I get adjusted.
Breakfast will be an egg white omelette then cream of rice with whey pre and post with blueberries. Perch and spinach for next 2 meals then chicken and almond butter before bed. Training back and biceps today. Still recovering from 12k calories but will stick to it.
So I started mitrazapine or Remron it’s called it’s a trycyclic antidepressant,take it at night it’s known for weight gain appetite increase,I believe @Kad1 is on it,and @Neuro said they use it for chemo patients to increase appetite and hells their mood,I’m on ,30mg and it’s definitely increasing my appetite, and when I eat I’m like a dog I having my food even more then an I already do,looking around while chewing like someone is gonna steal it.
John said:
looking around while chewing like someone is gonna steal it.
Hahaha I’m kinda jealous of this side effect. I always struggle to eat in the summer. I’m glad it’s been working for you! You’re looking good too so the extra cals are helping out.
1st meal was 6 whole eggs scrambled, fried tators, bacon, and 2 cups of coffee. 2nd meal was 2 cups of Kodiak chocolate chip oatmeal with a Dew. 3rd meal was Nacho Bell Grande no sour cream and chicken quesadilia. 4th and 6th meal will be a mass gainer shake. No training today. Had a good push day yesterday.
Yes it’s definitely helping,I was only 15mg last time no appetite increase,but 30 huge difference,and like I mentioned yesterday eating a lot of rice seems to benefit me more then pasta/bread products.At night the past week I wake up a few times and have been eating 500 calories or more eating,cereal,pieces a bread whatever is convenient.This is like magic to me,I’m so happy about it
As for my headspace, nothing yet,I won’t see it’s full effects for probably month
And I’m I feel opposite it don’t make me tired,but makes me hungry
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