June 25th diets and training

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Staff member
Morning all.Breakfasr was 4 HB eggs no yolk,1 cinnamon raisin bagel,R1 shake,green apple and water. Doing tris later.Took my first progress pic while not on cycle,gonna have a outfuckingstanding base to work off of whenever it is I decide to start my cycle.Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Fucking Rambo! Usual breakfast and meals for me. Did have 20 Buffalo wings that were amazing. Had my ass sweating eating. Hitting legs today. Whole lot of squats, leg extensions, leg curls, leg press, and calve raises. Then more calve raises. Then some deads.
I’ve got about 10 more weeks till officially cruising so I will have been on cycle for basically since February. I’ll do bloods and I’m sure it will say I could keep goig but I’m going to want. A bit of break. Personally now I say cruise but test will be cycle amount really 4-500. Cut some fat off and juat try and work more reps on lifts to get my base strength higher. So when I do next run I can explode again
I’ve been been more intense with my workouts,pushing thru the motions,then holding it a couple seconds,slowly ending the movement.
Probably. In my amateur league soccer days I was the fastest guy in the league. Even at 220. Lol.

I’ve honestly never had them burn as much as they do with these workouts he has me doing now.
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Looking good brosuf!
Omelet with chicken sausage, pepper , spinach
Oatmeal w/ granola
Greek yogurt w fruit
Belgium waffle
Chicken sausage
That was a huge breakfast lol!
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