SB Labs

June 5th issue of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.No gym,no work no problem.
Breakfast was peach chobani with extra chunks of peaches,1 cinnamon raisin bagel toasted,light butter,banana,coffee,water. This was a weak protein meal,but im home all day so ill be “grazing” all day ill make up for it. Ill do a little fishing later probably.Not sure about lunch.Dinner will be grilled chicken,garlic risotta,salad,cranberry juice lucky charms for dessert. Today i am grateful for Marijuana.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
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Egg whites and donuts for breakfast. Will drink a shake before working out.

Had to get new brake rotors. Ouch. That hurt my feelings.

Will train pull today.

Not sure about food the rest of the day.
Let’s start off with I didn’t like this bow tie wearing feminine acting kid touching looking ahole from a couple of years ago. He’s my age give or take and the art teacher at the elementary school.

Baby girl had started a clay project/mother day gift several weeks ago and had several doctors appointments so she couldn’t gett back to it. This week is last week of school and girl was looking for it to take home. It was missing and she started crying…the dude hollered at her in front of the class to stop crying and it’s no big deal and go to hobby lobby.

Welllll when hearing this on the way home I turned the truck around shaking mad… madder than I’ve been in years. I ended up turning around and came home.

We have a local messaging system for teachers and administrators… I had several choice messages authored for him and the principals. Still livid!!! I deleted them and beat up the weights in the rage cage. Wifey is very mad too but she will handle it without getting escorted off school property like I’ve done in the past…several times hahaha.
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