SB Labs

June 6th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Today is D-Day June 6 1944,take a moment to remember all those hard men who had to come out those tracked AAV(Amphibious Assault Vehicles) while taking heavy machine gun fire and wading thru water at the same time.
Breakfast was French toast,1 can a tuna plain,R1 shake, banana and water.After work gonna do back/traps.Hope everyone has a smooth productive day.
Training chest today maybe some shoulders. Had egg whites and waffles for breakfast then some whole eggs and toast. Protein shake post wo. Have some left over chicken and rice I’ll finish for lunch. Can’t bring myself to through it away
I’m glad you mentioned this or I wouldn’t have taken a moment for this Appreciate you brother, breakfast was 2 hard boiled eggs cuz 12 oz egg white drank, can’t do eggs cooked really texture kills me so this is the best was for me to intake the eggs and 80g off oats w 16g almond butter
Been good man, new program is much higher volume then normal and I do like 10-12 hrs at work most days so I’m tired alot but I get as much sleep as possible I feel good my weight is holding pretty steady but I am getting leaner so I’m content with that
I’ve tried twice the last 3 months to start my next cycle,but stopped both times a a couple weeks in cause I’m not ready I haven’t ran a cycle since the the one finished almost a year ago.Im tryin to be patient.
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I’m sorry to hear that brother you can always message me or I can send you my email if you need to talk about anything I was there last year too really bad mentally let myself go and I waited to go back on cycle and get my shit together and it really paid off I responded so well to the lowest amount I have ever taken and also had good mental status through the first cycle it’ll be worth waiting
BF#1 - 3 Eggs/ 3 Eggs Whites, protein rice, + (treat) one single piece of bacon
BF#2 - Strawberry Banana 50g Protein shake w/ collagen, creatine, and greens powder

Workout #1 - Heavy 5x5 DL

Workout #2 -
1 Deadlift 225#
1 Burpee Pull-up
1 Double Dumbbell Thruster 50#
(add +1 rep each round)
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Airborne!! Today I will eat… Breakfast: toast & scrambled eggs with fruit n coffee. Shake early lunch with bananas. Later rice, asparagus with steak.

Training Chesticles & Tris!
Had sweet potato, pb2 an apple with whey and an egg made into a mug cake, trained chest and back today then had cream of rice with blueberries and banana lunch will be 2 hole eggs with a carton of eggwhites with carrots and broccoli then dinner will be chicken almond butter and cauliflower rice. Pre bed will have Greek yogurt, casein and almond butter
Same old diet today: protein/oat shakes, chicken or Turkey breast with basmati rice. I need to pick up egg whites to nuke with rice cakes.
My workout will be biceps, triceps, delts and traps. Then cardio if my legs don’t cramp from the anavar.
Egg whites are scarce around here. Either everyone is using them or it’s the whole supply chain thing…putin!
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