Just over 7 weeks to go

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plenty of time! Look excellent at 191. Are you doing a state or what type of show. I recommend taking it at minimum a big show where your at. Do open too. Now, I think you can still make 183 by 3 weeks out and see if you can do 176. But…BUT its better to feel good than to feel like shit and not enjoy what will be a win. Thats you and your coach or whoever you trust. when the weigh in are…etc. Your starting to get cross striations in you outer quad. Pose, Pose , Pose. Crab is going to look unreal, with the best quad forward blasting your heal into the floor. very impressive job so far. I just always wanted to take my Physique to the limit and I think now it would have been so much more fun to not feel like death and be able to take everything in and enjoy it. Next week add A side shot, side chest for those following at home! looking excellent!
If I gave away my Idenity, I loved bbing and powerlifting…@phd has done way better placing and doesn’t kiss ass, when was at my best I would of ate rat poison, probably did. Turning pro was hard as fuck, even if you did a Chris Duffy and had his awesome physique…Loved PL too…should of stayed that route. I have much respect for anyone that gets in their best condition. I started at 14, and had all the Mo-Mo-s at the YMCA, in their mid to late 20s or older giving me advice. It was a whole lifestyle , posing was an art. symmetry, etc.
Your right sometimes i wonder what it would be like to have the time and resources to devote to this 100 percent it still takes an enormous amount of discipline that i doubt id muster. I can tell you know your stuff
Everyday i wonder if I could get 8 hours of sleep a nightbhow much better if be doing but my income source
Won’t allow that. I
Have considered taking job for less pay and days shift hours just for progress but it’s hard to take a pay cut
Yessir it is. That goes for me 2, i wanna eat sleepband lift but got a family to support. But i think id enjoy it. As for you man to be in those shoes w those genetics and that time
Thank you sir. It’s just a local state show in PA. The one I wanted to do here in CT got moved till July and is a pro qualifier which I think is above my pay grade. Lol.
Feel good where I’m at, no aches, pains etc. sleep has been rough between being on duty plus waking up at 1am starving. Haven’t discussed where I’ll end up weight wise with Evan yet. Was going to do masters and probably physique if that’s the one without board shorts. I get physique and classic physique confused. Didn’t really think about the open since I’m like 2x those guys age. Lol
Physique is board shorts I think you could
Do classic that’s more of golden era build
Don’t think like that…do what you want but the national qualifier or Pro qualifier(?)(in Connecticut). If I was You and I have one more in me…Maybe! I would do the open and masters bbing, then if they let you crossover, usually you can do the physique, but your covering up your legs…and they look for a wispy waist and huge chest, arms…your a bber. Again,never know whos showing up because it appears your show will be before the USA, so guys need to qualify, even if you were 182 and couldn’t go down to middleweight, you could stand with the light heavies. when they added superheavies, I always made heavy at 225 and would be 228-230 at the pre judging, night for sure. I think I could of been 235-240 but at what price, plus chris cook(never did anything) , victor Martinez in 2000…the top eight were great. Just have a great time
I learned its better to win the biggest covered show, especially now with social media, I had to wait for Lonnie Teper to call and then 4 months for a little article. As soon as I moved and saw troy Alves, in like 98 and he went heavyweight for a few shows, Rusty Jeffers, and some of these others I knew it was over. I figured better to win a regional or even the state show in the west or anywhere at that time. you would get to guest pose or give out a trophy the next year, It was cool everyone did the Junior USA or Junior Nationals The the Nationals, ETC. you just did that.
I’ll definitely consider competing in the mens open as well as masters. The classic physique just wears like a Bigger speedo not board shorts. I’d never do that. Lol
Let me pull up the schedule and see what other shows are around. The one in July is cool because it’s a Foxwoods
There is the greater newyork open national qualifier 2 weeks after my first show. I’ll talk to Evan about that one as well
25 years ago, not that you would…you would go to the gym and all the fitness chicks would be hey that’s…it was still VHS tapes for the shows!!!LOL, twice I was invited to “watch the show over” and give my opinion on what the ladies could do better!!! Damn…if I only Knew Then…
Looking great. Are you competing or just trying to just get as peeled as possible? My boss’s wife is a bodybuilder and she keeps trying to get me to join her team, but I just am not sure I have the discipline to get that peeled. I am content around 15-16%. lol. I love food.
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