Just some evening thoughts

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Never been fortunate enough to have a rim job! I’ve heard prostate orgasms are epic, but honestly, my orgasms are already great so whatever lol.

I’ve been to male strip clubs with ladies before, it was actually kinda nice having drinks bought for me for a change!!
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Need you to head to a local bath house STAT and get up on all fours and let them service my son! This must be accomplished in the next few weeks!
Who doesn’t like their toes to curl! Wish I would have gotten two women at once off the ol’bucket list.

Here’s a question for you guys, if you had the chance to have anyone you wanted for one night, who would it be?
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I love a redhead, and there’s something about that Russian accent that’s hot af!

Ever watch GoldenEye? The Russian agent in that, serious sexual energy off that woman!

It’s so hard to choose one, but Gemma Arterton, she could own me, there’s just something about her that I find irresistible!
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Damn! Well, I can still fantasize about them, once in awhile my wife will dye her hair red, she seems to think it’s too light, but I fucking love it.
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