SB Labs

Know what is a bunch of shit


Well-known member
Wasting a cheat meal 😂😂 i was so pumped for sushi after my chest/back session and it was awful. There was legit enough rice on each roll for two rolls. Made it so unenjoyable. A let down cheat is such a buzzkill. Lol guess I got in a lot of carbs tho 😫😫

This is why you just always go with pancakes. 🥞🥞🥞
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I started with French toast this morning after chest and cardio and I wanna show this, which you can find at any Walmart; is a very thick milk caramel, exquisite, this one is from my country is amazing with pancakes or French toast.
Nothing worse than getting pumped up for something just to have the floor dropped out from under your feet. Always go for the guarentee my man pancakes are the shiz!
Who’s this Fitraver guy? Leaves for months and then comes back on flaunting his VIP status like he owns the joint. I am appalled. lol…

Haven’t seen you in a grip dude. Welcome back.

If my cheat meal ended up like that I’d have gone to the next sushi place and ordered another round. No one cheats me.