SB Labs

Feeling right ~ first cycle in 10 years

I’m back down to 296 from 303 the other day so much I water also if my estro is high I get constipated
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I stretch and warmup like a religion. I used to be a pretty injury prone guy and I’m very determined to not go down that road again.

Won’t touch any weight that I can’t get a good clean 8 reps per set. Focusing on controlling the negatives.

Trying to be the guy who lifts with the best form in the gym.

As far as water weight, I guess we’ll see when it’s done. I don’t mind holding water right now, I know it’s all great for recovery…
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Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Be mindful of your joints and tendons in the gym.
With that extra water, and how much size you are putting on, it’s easy to “feel” good but progress beyond what your joints and tendons are actually strong enough for….

Which is why i said… slow down. Not even Arnold put on that much size that fast.
Great initial post and great thread! My thoughts, from and older guy who’s fucked this stuff up more than he has succeeded, but learned a tremendous amount in the process. Please benefit from my mistakes.

Reinforcing what others have said, try to stay away from AIs and Caber. They are wicked fucking drugs and should be used only when absolutely necessary. That said, sometimes, they are necessary. And frankly, bloodwork is IMHO not dispositive when it comes to E2. For example, if your E2 is 120, but your total test is 4000 and your free is 1300, and you feel great and are not experiencing bloat, my personal view is to stay away from AIs. In my example, the ratio of test to E2 is ok, so if you are not experiencing any sides, don’t crush your E2 with an AI, especially a suicide inhibitor such as Exemestane. Conversely, if you ARE experiencing sides, then even if your E2 is only moderately elevated, reduce your test dosage to see if it goes away. If not, THEN and ONLY THEN start with a very modest dosage of Exemestane. I take 6.25mg every 3.5 days when I am in that situation. Also, note that there are other means of avoiding high E2 sides, such as using low dose masteron prop. I use 50mg ED (yes, I know that’s high, but my particular body loves it) and at that level, I never have an E2 side. I’ve made the mistake of reading my labs and going “oh shit, my E2 is way too high, I need to take an AI!” The consequence of that mistake is crushed E2 and a limp dick for a few days, not to mention achey joints. Don’t do it.

Conversely, with caber, I find bloodwork to be the nearly dispositive way to determine if you have excess prolactin. Excess prolactin will ULTIMATELY rear it ugly head as a side, but not quickly, and it is best to nip it in the bud. Again, however, take the smallest dose you can on a regular basis, then have accelerated bloods drawn to see if it is better. And of course, reducing your test dosage or other dosages may be an effective option as well.

I have figured this out for my own body through trial and error and the fact that my body thrives on high test dosages (my current dosage is 100 mg of test prop ED), so reducing dosage is not my preferred option. But it IS better than having to take regular significant doses of Caber and Exemestane. THAT much, I can tell you without a doubt.

Finally, you are blowing up like a balloon. In part, that is just your body adjusting, so give it some time to adjust before you take action. You may very well deflate naturally. It took me a good six months for my body to adjust after I started back on test after a ten plus year break. Definitely do not jump right into and AI or Caber. And also, please do not take that jump in size as an excuse to lifting drastically heavier weight. As others have noted, your tendons need to catch up, and that takes time. Slow and steady wins the race here. Ask me how I know!

Good luck, and great gains. You definitely are on the right board and getting the right advice.
Thanks for the replies guys. I wish there was a way to tell how much water I’m actually holding. Can’t see much in the mirror. Face is a little bloated when I wake up in the morning but it goes away quickly.

Haven’t been under 191 for a few days now. I did cheat and get some 5 guys a couple days ago. Bloated the fuck up, went to 199 and back down all within about 48 hours.

Feeling good and strong but I’ll heed your advice and take it easy in the gym. I’m confident I can get plenty of hypertrophy without pushing any stupid weight.

Haven’t touched the ai or caber yet. Looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
Neuro your the king of tough love. I appreciate your reasoning, I think you keep this whole board in check and that’s awesome.

Knowing how much of a proponent of glutathione you are I thought you would appreciate this tidbit. My wifes 30 and in great shape. Eats and lives a cleaner life than anyone I’ve ever known. BUT, she gets nasty 3-4 day migraines maybe twice a year since her teens. She’s seen neurologists and everyone with no help. She started getting one a few days ago and after a couple hours on the couch I convinced her to try some glutathione. She did 200mg subq and then had a nice dose of B vitamins and took a nap. She woke up migraine free, which hasn’t happened like that in 15 years for her. I did a fair amount of reading on oxidative stress and migraines and it seemed conclusive. Pretty interesting.
That’s great probably better fix the woman I went to school with. She just got something pierce ti help with the migraines