Kratom someone explain?

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I know it reacts with the opioid receptors not much else. I never looked into it cause I’m an upper kind of guy.
Funny I just talking about using another substance for sleep time on wickr. Seeing as I’m only able to get about 6 hours of sleep a night on new schedule I was joking about adding ghb to my regimen
I take kratom everyday, it’s a mild stimulant, kind of euphoric in higher doses it can be a mild sedative. Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It’s not an opioid it binds to opioid receptors. I use it for energy, the white vein is supposed to have stimulating effects while the red vein is supposed to be relaxing. I don’t think it’s really effective for pain personally.

The best way to find out is to try some it’s not addictive, no withdraws ECT. Can’t od on it, however the drug companies and the FDA would have you think otherwise.
Oh it does have withdrawals I know people that have had them they aren’t bad also it’s an opioid not an opiate
Well I’ve never had withdraws I don’t know anyone who has. I’ve taken it for over six years off and on.I also never said it was an opioid I said it binds to the opioid receptors.
Dmomuchole said:
It’s not an opioid it binds to opioid receptors
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I’m saying it’s an opioid cause it binds to receptors but not an opiate which would be most pain killers. I’ve used tobacco on and off for years never had withdrawals doesn’t mean they don’t happen
There’s a lot of misinformation out there, your entitled to your personal opinion, I’m sharing my personal experience.
Should said personally I’ve never had withdrawals. Not that it’s non addictive and doesn’t cause withdrawals.
I mean just like the misinformation about steroids everyone getting roid rage or they’re addictive.

The misinformation about kratom is ridiculous. The reason its fought so hard is because it’s a plant and the drug company’s can’t patent it and the FDA is in their pockets.

I’m not all knowing and I encourage everyone to do their own research and have their own experiences and make up their own minds. Or we can just continue to let the fake news and the government do it for us lol
Steroids are absolutely addictive mentally hahaha. Also I think the roid rage can be true but also comes from a time when guys didn’t know about controlling estro
I’m not telling anybody not to use it. Caffiene is addictive and has withdrawals. I’m
Just the type to let people know everything is t roses. I used to smoke pot daily and hated the people that tried to make weed seem like the cure for everything.
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