SB Labs

Whats for dinner and gratitude post

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Speaking of cheap I’m also thankful that for a dollar and some change can buy you 100 g of protein… In the form of chicken gizzards and hearts…

This might be half the pack right here … I’ll cook the other half later
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Dinner was a chicken breast in the air fryer and steamed rice. I trained delts, traps, and did the treadmill. I’m grateful my sciatica pain isn’t as bad as it’s been for the past few months so I’m able to walk on the treadmill again. :walking_man:t2:
No accuracy same damn website… So what are they saying the juices from the chicken skin add that much protein this some bullshit… Almost 30 g of protein just for some chicken skin juice what the fuck…🤣🤬

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Labels on food stuff have a margin of error and in general are to be taken as a tight ballpark. Sometimes they’re way out.

Never paid much attention to chicken skin juice.
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