SB Labs

Late night eating, reduced meal frequency and weight gain

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Good morning. Let me bounce this off you. So I’ve been doing 2400 calories for about 8 weeks now and had been losing weight. Since going on vacation I’ve been gaining it back. I’m currently on test p / npp and tbol (3 weeks). I’ve had one cheat meal a week ago but have maintain 2400 or less since. I’m not at work so I have been less active and I have been getting almost 3 extra hours of sleep a night. My only other thoughts are that I’m eating basically 2 meals a day and a snack instead of 4 and a snack ( big breakfast and big dinner) but should that matter? I understand it’s harder to digest and Im going to bed a few hours after but it’s still a deficit. I’m going back to work later this week so I’m expecting things normal out. FYI I was 230 12 days ago, as of today 238.
The thing that comes to mind first is water weight from nandrolone and test p you might be aromatase highly only 3wks would be quick but all short esters.
I would get e2 checked soon and maybe if it is diet which I don’t believe I would spread out your meals it will help with being hungry it feels like eating more often and you won’t go to sleep with so much in your stomach.

Possibly sodium intake but I imagine that your not eating 2 processed meals a day very strange.

It could be muscle and water both being short esters could be bringing it on fast??
I’ll be getting back into a normal eating schedule in a couple of days when I get back to work. I’m hoping it’s just that. I already have a test kit for e2 so if it doesn’t straighten out I’ll use it early.
That’s a tricky one? Gaining weight on a deficit . Does it feel like water weight? Would think it would be tough to get fat on a low cal diet
My girl friend says it’s my imagination but I can see it in my gut area plus the scale shows I’m up. I’m going to wait another week when Im back to my regular routine and see if it changes. If not I’ll get some blood work done.
I hope that it is just water and muscle your girlfriend saying its your imagination sounds like gains you don’t see I believe that you just grew and not in a bad way
If my estrogen is up I start getting fat build up in my midsection fast. I had a similar issue on same basic thing your running. Took armidex and some
nolvadex and that took care of it. I doubled up on my dose for first two weeks and also took Nolvadex everyday for a week just to knock
My estro back into place quickly.
Nolvadex won’t get rid of estrogen but adex does control it nolvadex just blocks it from connecting to the receptors that cause gyno in men and women.
Keeping it from doing its damage while waiting for the adex to do its job I believe helps. It’s why only took for a week good morning brother. Hopefully we all have a better week this week
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I agree with that positive week this week

I was just saying save that nolvadex for a gyno scare because I know that we both love nor19 compounds and nolvadex and adex for gyno is amazing.

I know that you got this I was just talking

I wish us all the best week ever we need a win.
I need a win and im going for it today full training im going to try.
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