SB Labs

Libriol (nandrolone/methandriol blend)


Libriol (nandrolone/methandriol blend)

no information available
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Libriol is an Australian injectable veterinary steroid preparation that contains a blend of methandriol dipropionate and nandrolone phenylpropionate. The two steroids are present in a dose of 45 mg/mL and 30 mg/ml respectively. This adds up to a total steroid concentration of 75 mg/ml. As a blend of methandriol and nandrolone, Libriol can be categorized as a moderately strong anabolic steroid with mild androgenic properties. It is also mildly estrogenic, owing to its methandriol content. This preparation can essentially be viewed as a fast acting version of Ranvet’s Tribolin. Although not widely available this product is an effective muscle building drug which generally produces lean gains as opposed to strong mass increases.
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Is this stuff available. I know I’m way behind the times but I haven’t heard of any of these.
I used methandriol under the impression it made other compounds work better. Always from Troy or another old Aussie company. I remember 75/mg/ml. Of course, I have no idea if it worked or was real but it had a following. I forgot the dummb story of a uninformed meathead…JUROX had a paste of something like DRIVE. The Guys I followed figured it had to be real. How do you fake horse oral paste. Yep, 5ml was 100mg or whatever, then the real genius of the group says, “lets spread it on our legs and use DMSO to carry it through” Genius…
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