Such a great thread. It takes tremendous courage to do this, something I have never had. The legal world gives one a thousand things to obsess over and encourages you to make your self worth dependent exclusively on how successful you are. So you obsess more and more and more until it’s very difficult to think about or do anything else. I had to find a way to keep practicing, but NOT continue down that rabbit hole. And the more senior I have become, the more schedule flexibility I’ve had and the more people don’t expect me to do ALL the heavy lifting. Rather, I’m the guy they bring in only when there’s a problem or they need a senior dude because of the size or importance of the gig. But I still obsess and have feelings of guilt if I don’t produce multi-million dollar revenues–which is totally insane. So I look forward to the day when I have the courage to leave it all behind and just go build my engines and race cars and hang at the track. Congratulations for having the courage to re-set long before retirement.