Lifting after blood donation

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I know the recommend no strenuous activity for 24 hours, but have y’all found any adverse effects from lifting the same day as a blood donation?
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Definitely probably better to wait out the 24 hours to let your body recover. Everyone’s body reacts a little different after giving blood. if you have to hit the gym same day Obviously better to get your meals in and be hydrated, Generally speaking you may feel fatigued, low energy, nauseas, etc, I have donated 6 - 8 times. Once donated about 9am, felt great. lifted same day about 5pm, tons of food and water in me leading into the afternoon, didn’t have any problems.
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Do mine on off day. I’ve never donated on a lift day and just have always been told it’s not a good idea. Maybe bro science, but at the donation center I’ve always been told take a day off. Hydrate. Eat.
We only have certain days unfortunately when the blood mobile comes to town, so have to get it while I can, or else it’s a 1.5 hour drive one way to donate, country living certainly has its down sides.
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take the day off brother, I lifted on a donation day before, needless to say passing out like mike Tyson punched you while lifting is not fun, luckily I was towards the end of my workout so weights were light, but I literally do not remember the events leading up to it, just remember coming to with about 8 people around me freaking out thinking roids killed me, another time I went for a walk (it was hot a balls outside also) after donating and also passed out from that, I know this is an extreme thing that obviously wont happen to all of us, but it is a thing buddy
Rest if you think of it realistically your body thinks it just had an accident of some kind and you were bleeding out. Would you work out if you had a wreck and all it did was cut you and you lost the same amount of blood give the blood then go rest drink and eat good swap up your routine if needed to get it in
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll take a rest day! I do have to go walk for work today so hopefully I don’t pass out!
Yes, many times. It’s a machine used for double/power red donations.

It’s a piece of cake, nothing to it. For some it may take a bit longer than whole blood donation but for whatever reason when I donate it goes darn fast, at least that’s what they always tell me.

Whenever I do it my body goes through a phase where I feel very cold, that lasts for maybe 10-15 minutes. I also get a metallic taste on the tongue and my lips tingle a bit.

All in all it helps me better than whole blood donations in reducing hematocrit, RDW & hemoglobin.
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I donate on sundays so I don’t have to lift unless I work that day
It takes twice the red blood cells, plasma, and platelets as a whole blood donation but you can only do it every four months.
That’s not what I’m thinking the one I’m thinking was. The one you can do ever two weeks they do hook them Up to a machine however it takes stuff out but puts some thing back
ALYX runs saline back in I do believe. Reason why some get cold and the metal taste. It shows you can only do it 3 times a year.
I had to carry mail afterwards, that had to of been the shittiest time carrying ever in heat and humidity, constantly felt like I’d pass out, headache and legs felt like lead!
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